Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1560

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 213. MARCH 3, 1933. tor 's works to assi gned sta tion or ship, inc luding t ravel to contrac - tor's works and return of personnel .to station of duty, and the amount so transferred shall be in addition to any limitations contained in the a ppro pri ati on "Pa y, Sub sis ten ce, and Transportation, Navy" : .te a ast stations ii m- Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for maintenance of more than six heavier-than-air stations Airplane factory con- on the coast of the continental United States : Pr ovi ded furt her s truc tion fo rbid den .

1 Tha t no par t of thi s approp riation shall be used for the con structio n : of a factory for the manufacture of airplanes : P rovid ed f urthe r, Determination of That the Secr etar y of the Na

is hereby authorized to cons der, damage claims. ascertain, adjust, determine, an pay out of this appropriation the amounts due on claims for damages which have occurred or may occur to private property growing out of the operations of naval aircraft, where such claim does not exceed the sum of $500 . Naval Academy .

NAVAL ACADEMY Pay of professors, etc. Pay , Naval Academy : Pay for professoR and others, Naval Acad- emy : Pay of professors and instructors, including one professor as .Pr••is•8. Pay restriction.

librarian, $253,192 : Provided, That not more than $33,300 shall be paid for masters and instructors in swordsmanship and phy sica l Restriction on em- training : Provided further, That no part of this appropriation in- structors . civilian in- structors .

,hall be availab le for t he pay of a civil ian inst ructor a t the Na val Academy not so employed on June 30, 1933 . Empl•gees °

For pay of employees, $534,091 : Provided, That the sum to be paid Proris• . Limit on sum for out of this appropriation for employees assigned to Group IV (b) Group IV (b) employ- and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department shall not exceed $236,000 . current, etc ., ex- Current and miscellaneous expenses, Naval Academy : For text penses. and reference books for use of instructors ; stationery, blank books and forms , mode ls, m aps, and p eriodi cals ; app aratus and mater ials for ins tru ctio n in ph ysic al t rain ing and ath let ics ; expenses of lectures and entertainments, not exceeding $1,000, including pay and expenses of lecturer ; chemicals, philosophical apparatus and instruments, . sto res, ma chin ery, to ols, fit ting s, appa ratu s, mate rial s fo r i nstr ucti on Libr ary . purposes, and engraving of trophies and badges, $66,800 ; for pur- chase, binding, and repair of books for the library (to be purchased in the open market on the written order of the superintendent), Board of Visitors .

$5,000 ; for expenses of the Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy, Supe rintende nt . $1,400 ; for contingencies for the superintendent of the academy, to be expended in his discretion, not exceeding $3,500 ; for contingencies for the commandant of midshipmen, to be expended in his discretion, not exceeding $1,000 ; in all, $7,700, to be accounted for as one fund . Main tenance and re- Maintenance and repairs, Naval Academy : For necessary repairs pairs . of public buildings, wharves, and walls inclosing the grounds of the Naval Academy, accident pre vent ion, imp rove ment s, r epai rs, and fixtures ; for books, periodicals, maps, models, and drawings ; pur- Vehicles,etc, chase and repair of fire engines ; fire apparatus and plants, machin- e ry ; purcha se and m aintenan ce of all horses and hors e-drawn vehicles for use at the academy, including the maintenance, operation, and repai r of three horse -draw n ass enger- carry ing v ehicle s to be us ed only for official purposes ; sees and plants ; tools and repairs of the same ; stationery ; furniture for Government buildings and offices at the academy, including furniture for midshipmen's rooms ; coal and other fuels ; candles, oil, and gas ; attendance on light and power plants ; cleaning and clearing up station and care of buildings ; attendance on fires, lights, fire engines, fire apparatus, and plants, and telephone, telegraph, and clock systems ; incidental labor ; advertis-