Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1571

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II . CHS . 220, 221, 270 . MARCH 3, 4, 1933 . 1547 This Resolution is hereby declared to be an emergency law necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety . Approved, March .3, 1933 . Emerg ency decl ared . [CHAPTER 221 .] JOINT RESOLUTION March 3, 1933. T o con tinue the Joint Committee on Ve terans' Benefit s .

IS.J. Res. 262.1 [Pub . Res ., No. 71.1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Unite d Sta tes of Amer ica i n Con gress assem bled, That for the ur- Joint Committee on ll

Veterans' Relief . pose of con tinuin g the inves tigati on wit h resp ect to the operat ion of Congress Mem be rs- ele ct oa 73d laws and regulations relating to the relief of veterans authorized continue their investi- under Section 701, of Part II of the Legislative Appropriation Act, gat ioo nte , etc. fiscal year 1933, and to report the results of such investigation, those P. 419 . members of the Joint Committee to Investigate the Operation of the Laws and Regulations relating to the Relief of Veterans who are Members-elect to the Seventy-third Congress, or a majority of them, after March 4, 1933, and until sixty days after the first meeting day of the Seventy-third Congress, are authorized and directed as a commi ttee, by sub commit tee, or oth erwise , to' contin ue th e inve stiga- tion begun under authority of such Section 701 . Such committee Powers and duties shall have the same powers an& duties as the committee provided continued . for under such Section 701 . Approved, March 3, 1933 . [CHAPTER 270.] AN ACT March 4, INS. To amend the Federal Farm Loan Act, as amended, to permit loans for addi- [x.3337.1 tional purposes, to extend the powers of Federal land banks in the making of [Public, No. 430.1 direct loans, to authorize upon certain terms the reamortization of loans by Federal and joint-stock land banks, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unit ed St ates o f Ame rica in Co ngress asse mbled , That section 7 of Federal Farm Loan Act amendments . the Federal Farm Loan Act, as amended (U . S . C ., title 12, chap . U•l.39,p. 367 . 7. 7, sees . 711-722), is amended by adding at the end thereof the

302. following new paragraph " Whenever it shall appear to the Federal Farm Loan Board that Federal Farm Loan Board . national farm-loan associations have not been formed in any locality borrowers authorized . l aloans to in th e cont inenta l Unit ed St ates, or tha t the farmer s res iding in the territory covered by the charter of a national farm-loan association are unable to apply to the Federal land bank of the district for loans on account of the inability of such association to indorse such loans, the Federal Farm Loan Board may, in its discretion, authorize said bank, at any time within five years after this paragraph takes effect, Security . to make direct loans to borrowers secured by first mortgages on farm lands situated within any such locality or territory . Except as herein Appl icabi lity o f Act otherwise specifically provided, all provisions of this Act applicable to such loans . with respect to loans made through national farm-loan associations shall, in so far as practicable, apply with 'respect to such direct loans, and the Federal Farm Loan Board is authorized to make such rules . Rules, etc., author- and regulations as it may deem necessary with respect to such direct lid loans : Provided, That no such loan shall be made for more than Prooiso. Maximum loan, $ 1 5 , 00 0 . Ea ch borrower who obtains a direct loan from a Federal Subscription to stock. land bank shall subscribe and pay for stock in such bank in the sum of $5 for each $100 or fraction thereof borrowed ." SEC . 2. Paragraph " Fourth " of section 12 of the Federal Farm Loan restrictions. vof. Loan Act, as amended (U . S. C., title 12, ch. 7, sec. 771), is amended 41, p.571. U. S. C.,p.305. to read as follows