Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1588

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72d CONGRES S . SESS. II. CHS.. 272-274 . MARCH 4, 1'°933. quarter, section 15 ; and the east half northeast quarter, section 22 ; all in township 39 north, range 11 east, Modoc County, California, Mount Diablo base and meridian . Approved, March 4 , 1933 . [CHAPTER 273 .] AN ACT For the improvement of the inland waterway from Norfolk, Virginia, to Beaufort [Public, No. 433.]

Inlet, North Carolina . R e if enacted by the Senate and Hou,ce of Representotives of the Inland waterway, United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following Norfolk, Va., to Beau- fort Inlet, N c .

works of improvement are hereby adopted and authorized, to be i2ed provementauthor prosecuted under the direction of -the Secretary of War and Super- vision of Chief of Engineers, in accordance with the plans recom- mended in the report hereinafter designated : Inland waterway from Norfolk, Virginia, to Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina, in accordance with the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Docu- ment Numbered 5, Seventy-second Congress, first session, and .subject to the conditio ns and li mitation s set fo rth in s aid docu ment . Approved, March 4, 19 33 . March 4, 1933 . [n . R. 61841 March 4, 1033 . 1n. B . °6402.1 Banks, etc ., D. , C- Further regulations, prescr ibed . Vol . 42, p- 50 0, amended . Fo reig n co rpor ati ons not allowed to do bank- ing bu siness . Vol . 31, pp . 1285.1298 . 1302, 1303; Vol. 34, p. 45 8. Exceptions . Exi stus gco rpor atio ns . Brokers, etc . Those not doing a bank of deposi t busi- ness . Corporations not per- mitted to do business, etc, w ithout a pproval of Com ptroller of the Currency . Term "branch" con- strued. )CHAPTER 274.] AN ACT -To further regulate banking, banks, trust companies, and N41 hug and lo an - [Pubhc, No . 43C]

associations in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Act of April 26, 1922 (42 Stat. L., pt. 1, p. 500; D. C. Code, title 5, sec. 300), be amended to read as follows : " (a) That after the enactment of th is Act no banking business shall be done in the District of Columbia except by corporations organized in accordance with the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1901, entitled `An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia,' as amended, or by national-banking associations organized in accordance with the laws of the United ‰tates, except that this paragraph shall not apply to (1) corporations engaged in and doing a banking business on the date of the enactment of this Act, (2) individuals, partnerships, associations, or corporations primarily engaged as brokers in buying, selling, exchanging, and/or otherwise dealing in stoc ks, bonds , and/or other s ecuritie s, for t he accou nt of others, and incidentally thereto conducts banking transactions . (3) individ uals, pa rtnership s, assoc iations, or corp orations not doing a bank of deposit business . " (b) That no corporation shall engage in or do the business of a bank of depos it or a f iduciary busines s in the Distric t of Col umbia nor shall any branch be established to carry on any phase of such banking or fiduciary business in the District of Columbia until the approval and consent of the Comptroller of the Currency is secured . The term `branch' as used in this Act shall be held to include any branch bank, branch office, branch agency, additional office, or any place of b usines s loc ated in the District of Columbia . sl which deposits are received, or check, pali~l . ,r money lent, or at . .


the public is served or any phase of business conducted by the parent institution .