Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1727

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!xxviii INDEX. Letterman General Hospital, Calif., ap- Pare. propriation for construction at______ 719 Leupp Indian School and Agency, Ariz., appropriati.on for__________________ 104 Lewis, Elmer A., appropriation for salary _________________________ 388,1357 Lexington, Ky., appropriation for narcotic fann_____________________________ 1502 Liberia, appropriation for envoy extraor- dinary, etc., to_________________ 476,1373 Librarian of Congress, Chicago World's Fair, establishment of branch office for protection of foreign patents_____ 703 Library of Congress. See Legislative Branch of the Government. Licenses and License Fees, District of Columbia: Plumbing and gas fitting_____________ 659 Trades and business_________________ 551 Lief Ericsson, appropriation for presen- tation of statue of, to Iceland_______ 486 Life-Saving Service, Coast Guard, appro- priation for retired pay to members oL ___________________________ 588, 1497 Lighthouses, Bureau of. See Commerce, Department of. Lighthouse Service, retired pay of officers, fiscal year 1933___________________ 402 Lights on Vessels. See Navigation. Limestone County, Ala., time extended for bridging Elk River between Lauder- dale County and__________________ 1416 Lincoln, Abraham: Appropriation foJ'- Birthplace Memorial. Ky., preserva- tion ____________________ - - 692, 1598 Care, etc., of death place___________ 464 Memorial maintenance, etc., D. C ___ 565 Lincoln County, Tenn., transferred to Winchester division, middle Tennes- see judicial district________________ 153 Lincolnton, Ga., bridge authorized across Savannah River at________________ 903 Linthicum, J.Charles, paymenttowidowof_ 780 Liquor Traffic in Africa, Convention Re- lating to, appropriation for contribu- tion_____________________________ 137f I Liston Range Rear Lighthouse Reserva- tion, Del., conveyance of, io Dela- ware, autborized__________________ 294 Lithuania, agreement with, to postpone payment of indebtedness authorized_ 3 Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, appropri- ation for envoy extraordinary, etc., to ____________________________ 477,1373 Little River, time extended for bridging, at Morris Ferry, Ark______________ 1414 Livestock Companies, advances to individ- uals for purpose of fonning, author- ized_____________________________ 60 Livestock Production Experiments, South- Pan. ern States, appropriation for____ 642, 1465 Load Lines, American Vessels, appropri- ation for enforcement of laws regulat- ing,etc__________________________ 504 Loans. See Agricultural-Credit Corpora- tions; Emergency Relief and Con- struction Act; Federal Farn. Loan Act; Federal Home Loan Bank Act; Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Locomotive Inspection, appropriation for _ 462 Logan Act, amendment, correction of text_ 132 Logan School, D. C ., appropriation for purchase of site in vicinity oL______ 363 London, England, appropriation for dis- patch agency at________________ 477,1375 Longworth, Nicholas, payment to widow of_______________________________ 15 Loring, Augustus P., appointed to fill vacancy on Board of Regents, Smith- sonian Institution__ _______________ 382 Los Angeles, Calif., appropriation for Hydrographic Offi ce expenses_____ 444, 1543 Louisiana: Appropriation for national forest ad- ministration_________________ 626, 1448 Bridge authorized across Mississippi River at Baton Rouge, by _______ _ 46 Land for levee, etc., granted to commis- sioners of New Orleans___________ 133 May bridge Pearl River at Pearlington, Miss________ ______ ______ ____ __ _ 296 Time extended for bridging- Mississippi River at- Baton Rouge___________________ 1413 New Orleans____________________ 44 Sabine River in- Calcasieu Parish________________ 342 VernonP~rish__________________ 296 Lowell Creek, Alaska, estimates for flood control works_____________________ 802 Lubricating Oils, tax on________________ 259 Luke Field, Hawaii, construction, etc., sum authorized___________________ 721 Lumber, tax on______________________ _ 260 Lummi Diking Project, Wash., appropri- ation for repairing flood damage__ 832,1608 Luxemburg, appropriation for envoy ex- traordinAry, etc., to_____________ 476, 1373 M Macfarland Junior High School, D. C., appropriation for__________________ 19 Madden Dam, AlhaJuela, Panama, appro- priation for construction across Chagres River, etc______________ 695 Madden, William, payment to_______ 527,1603 Madison, Ark., time extended for bridging St. Francis River at_______________ 83