Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1762

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INDEX. ... CXlll Sun River Irrlaatlon Project, Mont., bal- Pace. ance available for _______________ 116,843 Superintendent of Documents: Appropriation for office oC ________ 398,1366 Writings of George Washington, sale oC 64 Superintendent of Police, D. C ., issue of license to carry pistols, etc., by______ 651 Superintendent of Public Schools, D. C., authority of, to make appointments, etc., between meetings of Education Board___________________________ 134 Supersedeas. Sell Criminal Law. Supervising Archi~ect's Office. See also 1'::-easury Department. Field engineers, etc., public building work, liInitation on transporting household effects, etc., increased__ 539 Supplies and Accounts, Bureau of. See Navy Department. Supply Division. See Treasury Depart- ment. Supreme Court Building Commission, ap- propriation for construction expenses_ 466 Supreme Court, D. C .: Action in, for unauthorized use ·of label, etc___________________________ 50 Drawing of union label, brand, etc., to be registered in office of clerk oL __ 50 Witnesses, process to compel attend- ance before trial boards, D. C __ __ 87 Supreme Court of the United States: Appropriation for ________________ 490,1381 Review of cases from Philippine Islands_ 767 Rules respecting proceedings in criminal cases after verdict_______________ 904 Surgeon General, Army: Acceptance of bequest of William F. Edgar, authorized______________ 1420 Hawaii, survey for treatment of leprous persons________________________ 700 Suriya, Manob, admission to Military Academyauthorized_______________ 1545 Surtax. See Income Tax. Sweden: Appropriation for envoy extraordinary, etc., to _____________________ 476,1373 Arbitration of claim of Rederiaktiebola- get Nordstjernan corporation, bal- ance available_ ________ __ ____ __ _ 538 Switzerland, appropriation for envoy ex- traordinary, etc., to ____________ 476,1373 T Taboguilla and Taboga Islands, Panama, balances available for purchase of land on, for seacoast defenses_______ 541 Taft Junior High School, D. C., appro- priation for _____________________ 360,362 Tarlt" Act of 1930: P&&,e . Appraisements, construing section 503 (b) regarding entries pending_____ 657 Free importation of articles temporarily exported for scientific, etc., pur- poses__________________________ 1570 Tarftl' Commission: Appropriation for salaries and expenses_ 466 Commissioners' salaries_ _____________ 402 Tax Appeals, Board of. See also Inde- pendent Offices. Fees for certifying records____________ 285 lli:view of decisions, time for filing peti- tion___________________________ 286 Taxes, Miscellaneous: Administrative provisions-- Applicability oC__________________ 278 Credits__________________________ 277 Payments________________________ 277 Refunds________________________ 277,287 Regulations___________ __ __ __ __ ___ 278 Admissions____ __ __ __ __ ____ ____ _____ 271 Boats______________________________ 277 Bonds, stamp tax on- Issues____________________________ 272 Transfers______________ ______ __ ___ 274 Cable facilities______________________ 270 Checks_____________________________ 276 Conveyances, stamp tax on___________ 275 Draf~_____________________________ 276 Oil transportation by pipe line________ 275 Orders for money paymen~__________ 276 Radio facilities______________________ 270 Safe-deposit boxes, teases oL_________ 276 Sales of produce for future delivery, stamp tax on________________ ~__ 275 Stocks, stamp tax on issues and trans- fers_______ ________ __ __________ _ 272 Telegraph, telephone facilities_________ 270 Tea Importation Act, appropriation for enforcement oC _______________ 641,1464 Telegraph and Telephone Facilities, tax on_______________________________ 270 Telegraphic Union, International Bureau, Berne, appropriation for contribu- tion_____________________________ 482 Temporary Restraining Order. See In- junctions in Labor Disputes. Tenbrook, J. C ., time extended for bridg- ing Columbia River at Astoria, Oreg_ 799 Tennessee: Appropriation for national for<> ad- ministration_______... __ _ __ _ _ __ 626, 1448 Flint River, preliminary examination of, authorize~__________________ 84 Lincoln County transferred to Win- chester division of middle judicial district________ _________________ 153 May bridge Deer Fork River near Hay- wood-Crockett County line_______ 706