Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/378

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 308 . JUNE 29, 1932 . nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles used in this work, and the rental of necessary garage space therefor ; and including the surfac- ing and resurfacing, or replacement, with the same or other approved materials, of such asphalt or concrete pavements as may be done Withi n the fund s av ailab le un der this appro priat ion, $957 ,500 : Proaiso.

Provided, That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, Purchase of munici . should they deem such action to be to the advantage of the District pat asphalt plant' of Columba, are hereby authorized to purchase a advantage asp ha lt plant at a cost not to exceed $30,000, and the commissioners under such conditions as they may prescribe are further authorized to Labo rator y te sts . utilize the existing testing laboratory of the highways department for making tests of all materials for other departments and activities of the District government . Streetrailways,pave. This appropriation shall be available for repairing pavements of meats.

street railways when necessary ; the amounts thus expended shall be collected from such railroad companies as providedby section 5 of Vol . 20, p.105 . "An Act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia," approved June 11, 1878, and shall be deposited to the credit of the appro priati on for the f iscal y ear in which they are collected . Changing sidewalk The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized and widths, etc . empowered, in their discretion, to fix or alter the respective widths of sidewal ks and roadw ays (i ncludi ng tre e space s and parkin g) of all highways that may be improved under appropriations contained in this Act . Open competition for No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall be avail- street etc ., con- able for repairing, resurfacing, or newt pavin any street, avenue, or roadwaby pivate contract unless the specifictions or such work shall be so prepared as to permit of fair and open competition in paving material as well as in price . Repairs for inferior In addition to the provision of existing law requiring contractors work, etc., hy contrac- tor required for addi- to keep new p avemen ts in repair for a period of on e year from the tionalperiod . date of t he comple tion of t he work, the Commi ssioners of the Di strict of Columbia shall further require that where repairs are .necessary during the four years following the said one-year period, due to inferior work or defective materials, such repairs shall be made at the expense of the contractor, and the bond furnished by the contractor shall be liable for such expense . Constitution Avenue For widening to eighty feet and repaving the roadway of Consti- NWidening andrepair- tution Avenue, Northwest, Second Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, Pennsevan aStenue in accordance with plans therefor to be jointly approved by the National Capital Park and Planning Commission and the Commis- sioners, of the Di strict of Columbia , 'includ ing the n ecessary recon- Relocation of service struction, relocation, changes, and adjustments of all water mains, mains, trees, etc.

sewers, in advance of paving, trees, sidewalks, lamp-posts, fire hydrants, or other structures affected, and including personal serv- Amount fr om Dis- ices and all nece ssary inc idental e xpenses at a tota l cost no t to ex- trictreve nues-

ceed $65,000, of which sum $45 .000 is hereby appropriated out of the sum from Arlington Me mor ial Bridge ap- revenu es of the Di strict of Co lumbia , to be immed iate) available propriation.

and not to exceed $20 000 shall be transferred from and in accord- ance w ith th e appr opriat ion in the I ndepend ent Of fices Approp ria- Post, p. 454 .

tion Act, 1933 , for the cons truct ion of th e Arl ingt on Me moria l Bridge . Bridges . Co nst ru cti on, et c. BRIDGES For construction, maintenance, operation, and repair of bridges, includ ing no t to e xceed $2,500 for th e cons tructi on of a tool and wa reh ou se, and main tenan ce of nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles, $87 ;500.