Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/421

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 314. JUNE 30, 1932 .

397 machinery (not exceeding $300,000) ; equipment, and for repairs to m machinery, equip- machinery, implements, and buildings, and, for minor alterations to buildings ; necessary equipment, maintenace, and supplies for the emergency room for the use of all employees in the Government E merge ncy room . Printing Office who may be taken suddenly ill or receive injury while on duty ; other necessary contingent and miscellaneous items authorized by the Public Printer : Provided, That inks, glues, and spuss furnished to other supplies manufactured by the Government Printing Office in departments, etc. connection with its work may be furnished to departments and other e stabli shmen ts of the G overn ment upon r equis ition , and payme nt made from appropriations available therefor ; for expenses author- ize d in writing by the Joint Commit tee on Printing for the inspecti on of printing and binding equipment, material, and supplies and Gov- ernment printing plants in the District of Columbia or elsewhere (not exceeding $1,000) ; for salaries and expenses of preparing the Indexes, semimonthly and session indexes of the Congressional Record under sional Record . the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing (chief indexer at $3,480, one cataloguer at $3,180, two cataloguers at $2,460 each, and one cataloguer at $2,100) ; and for air the necessary labor, paper, m ateria ls an d equ ipment need ed in the p rosec ution and d elive r

Papi r, materials, etc° and mailing of te wrk ; in all, $2,250,000 to which shall be charged ti ontobe deducted. the printing and binding authorized to fe done for Congress, the printing and binding for use of the Government Printing Office, and printing and binding (not exceeding $2,000) for official use of the Architect of the Capitol when authorized by the Secretary of the it Architect of the Cap- Senate ; in all to an amount not exceeding this sum . Printing and binding for Congress chargeable to the foregoing gre sut hor Authority

Con- appropriation, when recommended to be done by the Commi ttee on Pr inting o f either House, shall be so reco mmended in a rep ort con- taining an approximate estimate - of the cost thereof, together with a statement from the Public Printer of estimated approximate cost of work previously ordered by Congress within the fiscal year for which this appropriation is made . During the fiscal year 1933 any executive department or inde- nr ar ed eIIt fordewori pendent establishment of the Government ordering printing and ments, etc. b inding from the Govern ment Print ing Of fice shall pay p rompt ly by check to the Public Printer upon his written request, either in advance or upon completion of the work, all or part of the estimated or actual cost t hereof, as the c ase may be, and bills rendered by the Public Printer iii accordance herewith shall not be subject to audit or cer tific ation in ad vance of pa yment : Provided, Tha t proper Adjustments Prov iso of ac adjustments on the basis of the actual cost of delivered work paid counts . for in advance shall be made monthly or quarterly and as may be agreed upon by the Public Printer and the department or establish- ment concerned . All sums paid to the Public Printer for work that creams paid for work ing he is authorized by law to do shall be deposited to the credit, on the capi tal . books of the Treasury Department, of the appropriation made for the working capital of the Government Printing Office, for the year in which the work is done, and be subject to requisition by the Public Printer. Al l amount s in the Budget for the fiscal y ear 1934 for pri nting i,P ,'t stmats etcorto be and b indin g for any d epart ment o r est ablis hment, so far as the incorporated in a single Bureau of the Budget may deem practicable, shall be incorporated item . in a single item for printing and binding for such department or establishment and be eliminated as a part of any estimate for any other purpose . And if any amounts for printing and binding are 17Btall to )a givon 0 included as a part of any estimates for any other purposes, such part of other !toms . amounts shall be set forth in detail in a note immediately following 1 I