Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/439

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72t1 CONGRESS : SESS . I. CH. 314. JUNE 30, 1932 .

415 Health (except that the provisions hereof shall not apply to hos- pitals now under the jurisdiction of the Veterans' Administration), Pers onne l Ad mini str atio n, E duca tion (ex cept the Board of Voca- tional Education shall not be abolished), and Mexican Water and Boundary Commission, and to merge such activities, except those of a purely military nature, of the War and Navy Departments as, in his judgment, may be common to both and where the consolidation thereof in either one of the departments will effect economies in Federal expendi tures, ex cept tha t this s ection s hall not apply t o the United States Employees' Compensation Commission . REPORT TO CONGRESS SEC. 408. The President shall report specially to Congress at the beginning of each regular session any action taken under the pro- visions of this title, with the reasons therefor . TI TLE V- PARTIC ULAR C ONSOLI DATION S EFFEC TED BUREAU OF NAVIGATION AND STEAMBOAT INSPECTION Report to Congress . Particular consolida . tions effected . SEC . 501 . The Secretary of Commerce is authorized and directed mDe s partment of Com- to consolidate and coordinate the Steamboat Inspection Service and Bu reau of Nav igati on the Bureau of Navigation of the Department of Com merc e in a t in n, Steamboat Inst)ee bureau in such department to be known as the Bureau of Navi ga- tion and Steamboat Inspection, to be under the direction of a chief of bureau who shall be appointed by the Secretary of Commerce . SEC . 502 . (a) The Secretary of Commerce is authorized and Transfer of records dire cted to tran sfe r to the Bur eau of Navigation and Steamboat and property . Inspection the records and property, including office equipment, of the Bureau of Navigation and the Steamboat Inspection Service . (b) The Secretary of Commerce is authorized and directed to Transfer of necessary transfer to such bureau such officers and employees of the Bureau of personnel . Navigation and the St eamboat Inspection Servi ce as in his judg- ment are indispensable to the efficient operation of such bureau . Such transfer of officers and employees shall be without changes in without changes in classification or compensation, but the Secretary may make such pay, in the titles, designations, and duties of the officers and ma aybe, hang ea, etc ., employees transferred as he may deem necessary to carry out the purposes of sections 501 to 504, inclusive, of this title . The Secr eta ry is auth orized t o dismiss such of ficers a nd emplo yees of the Stea mboat Di smis sals auth or . Inspection Service and the Bureau of Navigation as are not, in his ized . judgment, indispensable to the efficient operation of the Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection . (c) The consolidation and coordination herein provided for shall Consolida tion to be be effected not later than October 1, 1932, and when the Secretary effected by October 1, 1032 . of Commerce declares such consolidation and coordination has been effected, the duties, powers, and functions vested in the Steamboat Powers, etc ., trans . Inspection Service and the Bureau of - Navigation shall be exercised bure aus b and for olished ° mer by the Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection, and the Steamboat Inspection Service and the Bureau of Navigation shall cease to exist. SEC . 503. All proceedings, hearings, or investigations commenced Pending cases, e tc . or pending before the bureau and the service abolished shall be con- tinued by the Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection . All Etisflng orders, etc ., continued . orders, rule s, regulations, pe rmits, licenses, enrollments, regis trations, and privileges which . have been issued or granted by the bureau and the service abolished and which are in effect shall continue in effect until modified, superseded, revoked, or repealed . All rights, inter- ests, or remedies accruing or to accrue out of any provision of law or