Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/448

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424 Provisos . Limit on sum for Group IV (b) em- ployees. Acceptance of dona- tions and contribu- tions. Contingent. Gunnery and engi- neering exercises.

GUNNERY AND ENG INE ERI NG EXE RCI SES , BUR EAU OF NAVIGATION Badges, ranges, etc . Equipment supplies, etc Proviso. Limit on sum for Group IV (b) em- ployees . 72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 318. JUNE 30,1932 . as he may prescribe, $368,000 : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation for employees assigned to Group IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedul es in the ch edule of Wag es for Civil Employ ees in the F ield Service of the Navy Department, exclusive of temporary services, shall not exceed $36,000 : Provided further, That he reafte r the Sec- retary of the Navy is aut horize d to a ccept d onatio ns and contr ibu- tions from organizations, individuals, or others, for use in provid- ing recreation, amusement, and contentment of enlisted men ; such donations to be credited to " Ships' Stores Profits, Navy." CON TINGENT, BUREAU OF NAVIGATION For continuous-service certificates, commissions, warrants, diplo- mas, di scharg es, go od-con duct b adges, and me dals f or men and b oys purc hase of gymn asti c a ppar atus ; trans portat ion of effec ts of deceased officers, nurses, and enlisted men of the Navy, and of officers and men of the Naval Reserve wh o die while on duty ; books for training apprentice seamen and landsmen, packing boxes and materials ; books and models ; stationery ; and other contingent expense s and emerge ncies arisin g unde r cogni zance of the Burea u of Navigation, unforeseen and impossible to classify, $9,000 . For trophies and badg es for ex cellence in gunner y, target practice , engineering exercises, and for economy in fuel consumption to be awarded under such rules as the Secretary of the Navy may formu- late ; for the purpose of recording, classifying, compiling, and publishing the rules and results ; for the establishment and mainte- nance of shooting galleries, target houses, targets, and ranges ; for hiring established ranges, and for transporting equipment to and from ranges ; entrance fees in matches for the rifle team, and special equipment therefor, $42,750 . INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPLIES, BUREAU OF NAVIGATION For supplies for seamen's quarters ; and for the purchase of all other articles of equipage at home and abroad ; and for the, pay- ment of labor in equipping vessels theiiwith and manufacture of such articles in the several navy yards ; all pilotage and towage of ships of war ; canal tolls, wharfage, dock and port charges, and other necessary incidental expenses of a similar nature ; services and mat erials in re pairin g corr ecting , adjus ting, and te sting com- passes on shore and on board ship ; nautical and astronomical instruments and repairs to same ; libraries for ships of war, profes- sional books, schoolbooks, and papers ; maintenance of gunnery and other training classes ; compasses, compass fittings, including bin- nacles, tripods, and other appendages of ship's compasses ; logs and other appliances for measuring the ship's way and leads and other appli ances for soun ding ; pho togra phs, phot ograp hic i nstr ument s and materials, printing outfit and materials ; music and musical instruments ; and for the necessary civilian electricians for gyro- compass testing and inspection ; in all, $533,243 : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation for employees assigned to Group IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department shall not exceed $33,460 .