Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/46

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 12. FEBRUARY 2,19 -32 . Ganad o irr igation Ganado irrigation project, Navajo Reservation, Arizona (reim- proJect , Ariz . Addit lonala mount A

bursable) : For an additional amount for improvement, operation, Vol.46,p .1126.

and maintenance-of the Ganado irrigation project, Arizona, reim- bursabl e unde r such rules and r egulat ions as the S ecreta ry of the Interior may prescribe, fiscal year 1932, $25,000 . Ulntah Reservation, Irrigation system, Uintah Reservation, Utah (tribal funds)


Utah. Additional amount . an a dditi onal amou nt fo r con tinui ng o perat ion a nd m ainte nance Vol . 46, p.1129

and bette rment of the irrig ation sys tem to ir rigate al lotted la nds of the Uncompahgre, LTintah, and White River Utes in Utah, author- ized under the Act of June 21, 1906 (34 Stat ., 375), fiscal year 1932, $20,000, to be paid from tribal funds held by the United States in trust for said Indians, said sum to be reimbursed to the tribal fund by the individuals benefited under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior . Indian schools, sup-' Indian schools, support : For an additional amount for payment °Additionalamount . of tuitio n of Indi an childr en enroll ed in pub lic schoo ls, fisca l year Vol . 46, p. 293.

1931, $7,300 . Support and admfn- Support of Indians and administration of Indian property : For istration of property . Vol . 46, p. 1138.

an additional amount for general support of Indians and a minis- tration of Indian property, including pay of employees fiscal year Employment of in . 1932, $275,000 : Provided, That this appropriation shall be available dia nla bor .

for the employment of Indian labor on any necessary project or activity . Geological Survey . Vol.34,p.374 kana nevi ~ las The amount authorized to be expended for personal services in Vol .46, p . 1147 . the District , of Columbia during the fiscal year 1932 from the appropriation for continuation of the investigation of the mineral resources of Alaska is hereby increased from $33,000 to $48,000 . National Park Serv- ice. Mesa Verde National Park . Water well . Emerg ency recon- struction and fighting fires . Pro vis o Vol.46,p. 1153. . Availa bility . Emergency construe . tion . Vol. 46, p .1070. Department of Jus- tice . Contingent expenses . Printing and bind. ~Vo1 .46, p.1321 . Traveling, etc ., ex- sea. Vol.48,p.1321. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY NATIONAL PA RK SE RV ICE Mesa Verde National Park : For an additional amount for the completio n of a de ep water well, fis cal years 1932 and 1933, $2 2,000 . Eme rgency recon struct ion an d figh ting f ires : For an additional amount for emergency reconstruction and fighting forest fires in nationa l park s, fis cal ye ar 193 2, $55 ,000 : Provided, That these funds s hall b e avai lable for re imburs ement o f park appro priati ons for t he am ounts tra nsfer red t here from under the auth ority con- tained in the-Interior Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1932 . Howard University .

HOWARD UN IVER SIT Y The unexpended balance of the appropriation of $200,000 for Howard Univer sity, emerge ncy co nstruc tion, c ontain ed in the Fi rst Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1931, shall be available for the same purposes for the fiscal year 1932 . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CONTINGENT EXPENSES For an additional amount for printing and binding for the Departm ent of Justi ce and the c ourts of the United State s, fis cal year 1932, $60,000 . Traveling and miscellaneous expenses : The Secretary of the Tr eas ur y, .upo n requ est of the A ttorne y Gene ral, is autho rized to transf er to the ap propri ation " Traveling and Miscellaneous Ex- penses, Department of Justice, fiscal year 1932," not exceeding $12,000 from any other appropriation for the fiscal year 1932 under the control of the Department of Justice .