Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/465

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72d CONGRESS. SESS . I. CH. 318 . JUNE 30, 1932 . ALTERATIONS TO NAVAL VESSELS Toward the alterations and repairs required for the purpose of mo dernizin g the Un ited Sta tes ship s New Me xico, Mi ssissipp i, aitd- Idaho, authorized by the Act entitled "An Act to authorize altera- tions and repairs to certain naval vessels," approved February 28, 1931, $14,000,000, this sum, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $10,000,000 for the same purpose contained in the Second Deficien cy Act, fiscal y ear 1931, to be apportioned and to remain available until expended : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of the amount available for expenditure under this head for the fiscal year 1933 for employees i n the field serv ice assigned to G roup IV (b) a nd those perform ing simi lar serv ices carr ied unde r native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Fiel d Servic e of the Navy De partment shall no t exceed $30,000 . INCREASE OF THE NAVY Co nstruc tion and m achine ry : On account of hulls and outfits of vessels and machinery of vessels heretofore authorized, $15,063,000, and, in addition, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed, upon the request of the Secretary of the Navy, to ma ke transfers during the fiscal year 1933 from the naval supply account fund to this app ropriation of su ms aggregating n ot to exceed $6,0 00,- 000, and the total sums hereby made available shall remain available until expended : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of the amount available for expenditure under the head of " Construction and Machinery " for the fiscal year 1933 for employees in the field service assigned to Group IV (b) and those performing similar services car- ried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department shall not exce ed $790 ,000 : Provided, That of the appropriations contained in this Act under the head of " Increase of the Navy," there shall be availab le such sums as the Secr etary of the Nav y may fr om time to time determine to be necessary for the engagement of technical serv- ices, including the purchase of plans, and the employment of per- sonnel in the Navy Department and in the field, in addition to those otherwise provided for, owing to the construction of vessels hereto- fore au thorized and her ein or h eretofor e approp riated f or in pa rt . Armor, armament, and ammunition : Toward the armor, arma- ment, and ammunition for vessels heretofore authorized $3,000,000, to remai n availa ble unti l expend ed : Provided, Th at the sum to be paid out of the amount available for expenditure under this head for the fiscal year 1933 for employees in the field service assigned to Group IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department shall not exceed $175,000 . Th e total appropri ation co st of th e follow ing vess els shal l not exceed the sum stated after each, namely : Fleet submarine numbered 169, $4,955,000 ; fleet submarine numbered 170, $3,996,000 ; fleet sub- marine numbered 171, $4,196,000 ; destroyer numbered 318, $4,934,- 000 ; destroyer numbered 349, $4,694,000, and destroyers numbered 350, 351, and 352, $4,844,000 each . That in the expenditure of appropriations in this Act the Secre- tary of the Navy shall, unless in his discretion the interest of the Government will not permit, purchase or contract for, within the limits of the United States, o nly articles of the growth, prod uction, or manufacture of the Unit ed Sta tes, notwi thstan ding that such Alterations . 441 Modernizing "New Mexico," "Mississip- pi," and "Idaho ." Vol. 46, p .1453. Balance reappropri- ated. Vol.48, pp 1453,1577 . Proviso . Limit on sum for Group IV (b) em- ployees . Increase of the Navy . Construction and machinery of vessels heretofore authorized . Amount from naval supply account fund . Provisos. Group IV (b) em- ployees . Technical services . Purchase of plans, etc . Armor, etc , for ves- sels authorized . Prov iso . Group IV (b) em- ployees . Cost limitation on vessels mentioned. Purchase of foreign products, etc ., f or- bidden.