Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/487

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 330. JUNE 30, 1932 .

463 Valuation of ,property of carriers : To enable the Interstate Coin- ~~•Qy as discalvaluationof merce Commission to complete carrying out the objects of the Act Vol . 37 p. 701; Vol . entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled `An Act to regulate com- 40,p.271,Vo1 .43,p.624. merce,' approved February 4, 1887, and all Acts amendatory there- of," by providing for a valuation of the several classes of property of carr iers sub ject ther eto and securing informa tion con cerning their usc sock etc . stocks, bonds, and other securities, approved March 1, 1913 (U . S . C., title 49, sec . 19a), including one director of valuation at $10,000 per annum, one supervisor of land appraisals, one supervising enc - neer, one supervisor of accounts, and one principal valuation exam- iner, at $9,000 each per annum, and traveling expenses, $2,750,000 : Bent o r estrictio n in Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for rent the Dis tric t, of buildings in the District of Columbia if suitable space is provided by the Public Buildings Commission .

Printing and bind. For all printing and binding for the Interstate Commerce Com- ing. mission, including reports in all cases proposing general changes in transportation rates and not to exceed $10,000 to print and fur- nish to the States at cost report form blanks, and the receipts from such reports and blanks shall be credited to this appropriation, proesn $175 ,000 : Provided, That no part of this sum shall be expended for schedule o f Sailings printing the Schedule of Sailings required by section 25 of the Inter- excluded . . p.407. state Commerce Acts . Not to exceed $2,500 of the appropriations herein made for the . Attendance at meet. Interstate Commerce Commission shall be available for expenses, except membership fees, for attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the commission . Total , Int erstat e Com merce Comm ission , $7, 148,5 60 . MOUNT RUSHMORE NATIONAL MEMORIAL COMM ISSIO N Afount Rushmore Nati onal Me morial Commission. Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission : For carrying Ba lanc es reap prop ri- t, ated . into effe ct the prov ision s of the Ac t cre ating the M ount Rushm ore National Memorial Commission, approved February 25, 1929 (45 ifi.`;•~ } 46, pp 9 130 0 . Stat ., p . 1300), the unexpended balances of the appropriations for this purpose for the fiscal years 1929, 1930, and 1931 are reappro- priated and made available for the fiscal year 1933 ; and in addition thereto $25,000 to be expended under the provisions of the Act of February 25, 1929 (45 Stat., p . 1300) . National Advisory NATI ONAL ADVI SORY COMMI TTEE FOR AERON AUTIC S Co emttee for Aern- For scientific research, technical investigations, and special reports nu erc ,et seien- ~

tifle reseach ect in the field of aeronautics, including the necessary laboratory and technical assistants ; contracts for personal services in the making of special investigations and in the preparation of special re por ts ; traveling e xpenses of members and e mployees ; in cl u di ng not to exceed $500 for expenses, except membership fees, of attend- ings . Attendance at meet . ante upon meetings of technical and professional societies ; office supplies and other miscellaneous expenses, including technical peri- odicals and books of reference ; equipment, maintenance, and opera- tion of the Langley Memorial Aeronau tical Laboratory ; pur chase, Langley laboratory . maintenance, operation, and exchange of motor-propelled passenger- carrying vehicles, including not more than one for general adminis- trative use iii the District of Columbia ; personal services in the field Personal services . and the District of Columbia ; in all, $000,000, of which amount not to exceed $2,000 may be expended for allowances for living quar- Livin g quarters . ters, including heat, fuel, and light, as authorized by the Act approved June 26, 1930 (46 Stat . 818), and not to exceed $100,000 for Vol . 46,p .818. personal services in the District of Columbia.