Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/493

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 330. JUNE 30, 1932 .

469 hereby reappropriated the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $10,000,000 made for similar purposes in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1927 : Provided, Th at no -Proviso. Pre sid ent 's ap pro val expenditure shall be made for the purposes of this paragraph from required. this sum without the prior approval of the President of the United States. bIotor vehicle restrla Not more than two passenger-carrying motor vehicles may be lion. maintained and/or operated in the District of Columbia from the appropriations in this Act for the United States Shipping Board and the United States Shipping Board Fleet Corporation . Such vehicles shall be for the use of the officers and employees of the Ship- ping Board and the Fleet Corporation, under the direction of the chairman of the Shipping Board and the president of the Merchant Fleet Corporation . No part of the sums appropriated in this Act shall be used to pay tons nbieet •o at - the compensation of any attorney, regular or special, for the United proval of Attorney States Ship ping Board or the United States Shipp ing Bo ard M er- General . chant Fleet Corporation unless the contract of employment has been approved by the Attorney General of the United States . No officer or employee of the United States Shipping Board or pay restriction. the United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation shall be paid a salary or compensation at a rate per annum in excess of $10,000 except the following : One at not to exceed $18,000, and two at not to exceed $12,000 each . No part of the funds of the United States Shipping Board Mer- Rent in the Di strict. chant Fleet Corporation shall be available for the rent of buildings in the District of Columbia during the fiscal year 1933 if suitable space is provided for s aid c orpor ation by the Public Buildings Commission . No part of the funds of the United States Shipping Board Mer- Foreign fuel oil. chant Fleet Corporation shall be available during the fiscal year 1933 for the purchase of any kind of fuel oil of foreign production for issue, delivery, or sale to ships at points either in the United States or its possessions, where oil of the production of the United States or its possessions is available, if the cost of such oil compared with foreign oil cost s be not unreaso nable . Of the sums herein made ava ilable u nder the United States S hip- Regular attorney s ping Board, not to exceed an aggregate of $125,000 shall be expended for compensation of regular attorneys employed on a yearly salary basis, their cle rical and legal assistants, and for fees and expe nses Special attorneys . of attorneys employed in special cases . None of the money herein appropriated or authorized shall be loan, to m ail carry - ing corporations . used to make loans to any corporation with which the Postmaster Forbidden, without approval of Comptrol- Genera l has made a con tract for the carrying of mail u nder the f ar' provisio ns of th e Mercha nt Marin e Act of 1928, wh ich cont ract has not been approved by the Comptroller General . Total, United States Shipping Board, $300,000 . VETERANS' ADMINISTRATION MILITARY SERVICES Administration, Medical, Hospital, and Domiciliary Services


all salaries and expenses of the Veterans' Administration, including the expenses of maintenance and operation of medical, hospital, and domiciliary se rvices of the Ve terans' Administ ration, in carry ing out the duties, powers, and functions devolving upon it pursuant to the authority contained in the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the Veterans' Adm inis . tration . Administration, Medic al, h ospi tal, and Domiciliary Ser vices, Salaries and expenses. Vol . 46, p. 1016.