Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/521

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. 1. CH. 361 . JULY 1, 1932 .

497 and for rewards for their recapture ; and for repairs, betterments, and imp rovement s of Uni ted States jails, including sidewalks, $2,855,000 . TITLE III .-DEPARTMENT OF COMM ERC E OFFICE OF TEE SECRETARY Department of Com- merce . Salaries : Secretary of Commerce, $15,000 ° Assistant Secretary aaocher pet~n Assistant, and other personal services in the District of Columbia, including the chief clerk and superintendent, who shall be chief executive officer of the department and who may be designated by the Secre- tary of Commerce to sign official papers and documents during the temporary absence of the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary of the department, $300,000 ; in all, $315,000 . Contingent and mis . CONTINGENT EXPENSES, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

cella neous expe nses . F or cont ing ent and mis cell ane ous exp ense s of the offices and bureaus of the department,'except the Patent Office, including those for which appropriations for contingent and miscellaneous expenses are specifically made, including professional and scientific books, law books, books of reference, periodicals, blank books, pamphlets, maps, newspapers (not exceeding $2,500) ; purchase of atlases or maps ; stationery ; furniture and repairs to same ; carpets, matting, oilclot h, file c ases, to wels, ice , brooms , soap, sponges ; fue l, lig hti ng, and heating ; not to exceed $3,500 for the purchase and exchange of one passenger-carrying automobile for the Secretary of Commerce ; purchase and exchange of motor trucks and bicycles ; maintenance, repa ir, a nd o pera tion of t hree moto r-pro pell ed p assen ger- carry ing vehicles (one for the Secretary of Commerce and two for the general use of the department), and motor trucks and bicycles, to be used only for official purposes ; freight and express charges ; postage to foreign countries ; telegraph and telephone service ; typewriters, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices, including their repair and e xchange ; first-ai d outfit s for use in the buildings occupied by employees of this department ; street-car fares, not exceeding $500 ; and all other miscellaneous items and necessary e xpen ses not i nclu ded in the foregoing, $238,200, which sum shall constitute the appropriation for contingent expenses of the depart- Available for field ment, except the Patent Office, and shall also be available for the service . purchase of necessary supplies and equipment for field services of bureaus and offices of the department for which contingent and miscellaneous appropriations are specifically made in order to facili- tate the pu rchase throu gh th e cent ral pu rchasi ng off ice (Division of reo ~' Purchases and Sales), as provided by law : Provided, That expendi- Restriction on main- tenance, etc ., of pas sen . tires from appropriations contained in this Act for the maintenance, ger vehicles . upkeep, and repair, exclusive of garage rent, pay of operator, fuel, and lubricants on any one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle used by the Department of Commerce shall not exceed one- third of the market price of a new vehicle of the same make or class, and in any case more than $500 . Fo r all printing and binding for the Department of Commerce, ing i•tine and bind- including all of its bureaus, offices, institutions and services in the District of Columbia and e lsewh ere, exce pt t he Patent Office, $600,000 : Provided Tha t an amount not to exceed $2,000 of this copyeditors . appropriation may be expended for salaries of persons detailed from the Government Printing Office for service as copy editors . 3051 •-33-32