Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/525

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 361 . JUL Y 1, 1932 .

501 Customs statistics : For all expenses necessary for the operation E customs pe s o f ~coliecc- of the section of custom s statis tics tra nsferred to the Departme nt of ing compiling, etc. Commerce from the Treasury Department by the Act approved January 5, 1923 (U . S . C ., title 15, sec . 194), including personal uos41, PPla~ services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; rent of or pur- chase of tabulating, punching, sorting, and other mechanical labor- saving machinery or devices, including adding, typewriting, billing, c omp utin g, m imeo grap hing , mu ltig raph ing, pho tost at, and other duplicating machines and devices, including their exchange and repair ; telegraph and telephone service ; subsistence and traveling expenses of officers and employees while traveling on official business ; freight, express, drayage ; tabulating cards, stationery, and miscel- laneous office supplies ; books of reference and periodicals ; furniture and equi pment ; ice , water, heat, l ight, an d power ; street-car fa re ; and all other necessary and incidental expenses not included in the foregoing, $270,000 ; L ists of foreign buyers : For all necessary expenses, including per- b Directory of f orei gn sonal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, purchase Compi ling, etc ., ex- of furniture and equipmei}t, stationery and supplies, typewriting, penses . addin g, an d comp uting mach ines, acces sorie s and repai rs, l ists of foreign buyers, books of reference, periodicals, reports, documents, plans, specifications, rent outside of the District of Columbia, travel- ou ts ide rent . ing and subsist ence expe nses of officers and emp loyees, and all other incidental expenses not included in the foregoing, to enable the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Comm erce to coll ect and comp ile Proviso . lists of foreign buyers, $00,000 : Provided, That the Secretary of Charges authorized. Commerce may make such charges as he deems reasonable for lists of foreign buyers, special statistical services, special commodity ne ws bulletins, and World Trade Directory Reports, and the amou nts c ollect ed th erefr om sh all be depo sited in th e Tre asury as ~~ Misc ellaneou s receip ts " ;

Foreign trade res tr ic- Inves tigat ion of fore ign t rade restri ction s : For all necessary tions . expenses, including personal services in the District of Col umb ia ing P ns ~tof colleL- and elsewhere, purchase of furniture and equipment, stationery and supplies, typewriting, adding, and computing machines, accessories and repairs, books of reference and periodicals, reports, documents, plans, specifications, manuscripts, and all other publications, rent out side rent . out side of the Dist rict of Colu mbi a, t rave ling and subsistence expens es of of ficers a nd emplo yees, an d all oth er incid ental ex penses not included in the foregoing, to enable the Bureau of Foreign anti Domestic Commerce to collect and compile information regard- ing the restrictions and regulations of trade imposed by for eig n countries, $50,000 ;

Transportation ti, of Transportation of families and effects of officers and employees

famili es andetfectsd

nir To pay the itemized and verified statements of the actual and neces- sary expenses of transportation and subsistence, under such regula- tions as the Secretary of Commerce may prescribe, of families and effects of officers and employees of the Bureau of Foreign and Domes- tic Commerce in going to and returning from their posts, or when traveling under the order of the Secretary of Commerce, and also Bringing home re. for defraying the expenses of preparing and transporting the mains of officers, etc ., remains of o fficers and employees of the Bureau of Foreign and dying abroad . Domestic Commerce who may die abroad or in transit, while in the discharge of their official duties, to their former homes in this coun- try,ortoa place not more distant for interment, and for the ordinary expenses of such interment, $45,000 ;