Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/550

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526 Everett Kent. Contested-election expenses. William It . Coyle. Conteste d-eleotion expenses . J. Earl Major. Contested-election expenses . Peter C . Grants . Contested- election expenses. Committee on In- valid Pensions. Temp orary cle rk . Clerical assistance to Clerk of the House . Objects specified . Vol.43,p . 1071. U.S.C.,p.15. Proviso . Salary restriction . Contingent expenses. Special, etc., com- mittees. Architect of the Cap- ito l. House Offic e Bui ld- ing . Maintenance . Sum availab le . Vol . 46, p. 1553. '72 d CONG RESS . SESS. I. CH. 364. JU LY 1,1932 . For payment to Everett Kent, contestant for expenses incurred in the contested-election case of Kent against Nyle, audited and recom- mended by the Committee on Elections Numbered One, $2,000, to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House ., For payment to William R . Coyle contestee, for expenses incurred in the conte sted-e lectio n case of Ke nt agai nst Co yle, a udited and recommended by the Committee on Elections Numbered One, $2,000, to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House . For payment to J . Earl Major, contestant, for expenses incurred in the contes ted-el ection case of Maj or agai nst Ra mey, a udited and recommended by the Committee on Elections Numbered Three, $750, to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House . For payment to Peter C . Granata, contestee j for expenses incurred in the contested-election case of Kunz against Granata, audited and recommended by the Committee on Elections Numbered Three, $2,000, t o be disb ursed by the Clerk of the H ouse . Sal aries : To co ntinu e the emp loyme nt of the temp orary assi st- ant cle rk to the Co mmitte e on I nvalid Pensio ns, du ring t he fis cal year 1933, $2,150. For a ssistants in compi ling list s of rep orts to b e made to Congress by public officials ; eom~pilin copy and revising proofs for the House portion of the Official Register ; preparing and indexing the statistical reports of the Clerk of the House ; compiling the telephone and Members' directories ; preparing and indexing the daily cal- endars of business ; preparing the official statement of Members' voting records ; preparing lists of congressional nominees and sta- tistical summary of elections ; preparing and indexing questions of order printed in the Appendix to the -Journal pursuant to House Rule III ; for recording and filing statements of political committees and candidates for election to the House of Representatives pur- suant to the Federal Corrupt Practices Act, 1925 (U . S . C ., title 2, sees . 241-256) ; and for such other assistance as the Clerk of the House may deem necessary and proper in the conduct of the business of his office, fiscal year 1933, p $5,000 : Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to augment the annual salary of any emp loyee of the House of Re presen tatives . Contingent expenses : For expenses of special and select com- mittees authorized by the House, fiscal year 1932, $5,250 . For expen ses of speci al and selec t comm ittees author ized b y the House, fiscal year 1933, $25,000 . ARCHITECT OF ikik CAPITOL Fire protection, Senate wing of the Capitol and Senate Office Building : The unexpended balance of the appropriation of $100,000 for fire protection, Senate wing -of the Capitol and Senate Office Building to enable the Architect of the Capitol to remedy fire hazards hound by a survey under S . Res . 364, Seventy-first Congress, third s ession , and for al l labo r and materia ls, pe rsonal and o ther services, repairs and alterations, and every item connected therewith, contained in the Second Deficiency Act for the 'fiscal year 1931 and avail able for the fisca l years 1 931 and 1 932, is h ereby con tinued - and made available for the same purposes for the fiscal year 1933 . ~ssenate office Build- Senate Office Building : To enable the Architect of the Capitol, under the direc tion and super visi on of the Senat e Co mmitt ee on Eleva tor r epai rs.

Rules , to have made emer gency rep airs to th e mac hine ry of four elevators in the Senate Office Building, including labor and material, personal and other services, fiscal years 1932 and 1933, $6,000,