Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/57

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 12. FEBRUARY 2, 1932 .

33 treated as permanent, being for the service of the fiscal year 19 29 Audited claims-- Continued . and prior years, unless otherwise stated, and which have been cer- Vol.23,p. 254. ti fied to C ongress u nder sect ion-2 of the Act of July 7 , 1884 (U. S. u.s.c.,p.43. C ., title 5, sec . 266), as fully set forth in Senate Document Num- bered 42, Seventy-second Congress, there is appropriated as follows : INDEPENDENT OFFICES For Interstate Commerce Commission, $3 .60 . For military and naval compensation, Veterans' Bureau, $706 .50. For medical and hospital services, Veterans' Bureau, $7,287 .80. For salaries and expenses, Veterans' Bureau, $5 . For vocational rehabilitation, Veterans' Bureau, $1 .25 . For Army pensions, $24 .60 . For investigation of pension cases, Pension Office, $1 .25 . DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE,

~Acuretment of Agri- For salaries, Department of Agriculture, $7 .04 . For increase of compensation, Department of Agriculture, $1 .33 . For salari es and expen ses, B ureau of Plan t Indu stry, $1 .50 . For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Entomology, $62 .75 . For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Biological Survey, 60 cents . DE PART MEN T OF COM MERC E

merce Department of Com- For air navigation facilities, $824 .64. Department of the DEPARTM ENT OF ilJ I NTERIOR

Interior . For Geological Survey, $18 .86. For medical relief in Alaska, $26.75. For conservation of health among Indians, $6 .33 . For Indian schools, support, $131 .54. For Indian boarding schools, $10 .99. DEPAR TMENT OF JUS TICE For detection and prosecution of crimes, $8 .60 . For s alaries, fees, and expenses of mars hals, Uni ted State s courts, $911 .18 . For salar ies an d expe nses o f dist rict a ttorney s, United States courts, $18 .10. For fees of commissioners, United States courts, $577 .60. For fees of jurors, United States courts, $33 .70 . For fees of witnesses, United States courts, $18 .70. For miscellaneous expenses, United States courts, $356 .62 . For suppor t of U nited States priso ners, $ 632 . DEP ARTM ENT OF L ABOR For salaries, Bureau of Naturalization, $1. NA VY D EPA RTME NT For trans portat ion, B ureau of Nav igatio n, $24 .1 5 . For organizing the Naval Reserve, $36 .40. For instruments and supplies, Bureau of Navigation, $202 .30 . For pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy, $1,443 .14. For pay of the Navy, $591 .38 . Fo r mai nten ance, Bure au of Sup plies and Acco unts, $71 . 59. 3051 °-33-3 Independent offices . Department of Jus- tice . Department of La- bor Navy Department.