Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/622

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72d CONGR ESS . SESS. I . CH. 430. JULY 5,1932 . Department eontin- gent eYpenses. CONTINGENT E%PENSEB POST Orviox DEPARTMENT Stationery, etc .

For stati onery and bl ank bo oks, i ndex a nd guid e card s, fol ders, and binding devices, including purchase of free penalty envelopes, $18,000. Heating, lighting, For fuel and repairs to heating, lighting, ice, and power plant power, etc'

including repairs to elevators, purchase and exchange of tools anu electrical supplies, and removal of ashes, $45,000 . Telegraphing .

For telegraphing, $8,500, of which $2,500 shall be immediately available . Miscellaneous . For miscellaneous items, including purchase, exchange, mainte- nance and repair of typewriters, adding machines, and other labor- saving devices ; purchase r exchange, hire, and maintenance of motor trucks and two motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles, to be used only for official purposes (one for the Postmaster General and one for the general use of the department) ; street-car fares not exceed- ing $540 ; plumbing ; repairs to department buildings ; floor cover- Postage•

ins • postage sstamps for correspondence addressed abroad, which vo1.44,pp.2243,24A6, is n otexemt under article 47 of the Londo n convention of the Universal Postal Union, $48,000 ; and of such sum of $48,000, not exceeding $14,500 may be expended for telephone service, not exceeding $1,800 may be expended for purchase and exchange of law b ooks, books of reference, railway guides city directories, and books necessary to conduct the usiness of the department, and not exceed- ing $2,000 may be expended for expenses, except membership fees, Attendance at meat- of attendance at meetings or conventions concerned with postal bm. affairs , when incur red on the w ritten author ity of the P ostmas ter General, and not exceeding $800 may be expended for expenses of the pur chasin g agen t and of the solic itor an d atto rneys connec ted with his office while traveling on business of the department . Furniture, etc .

For furniture and filing cabinets, $7,500 . Printin g and b inding . For printing and binding for the Post Office Department, includ- ing all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services located in Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $1,140,000 . h Reimbat ~anthir For reimbursement of the Government Printing Office or Capitol ton city Post oface po wer plant for the cost of f urnishing steam f or heatin g and ele ctric Building . current for lighting and power to the Post Office Department Build- ing at Massac husett s Aven ue and North Capito l Stre et, Di strict of Columbia, $40,000 . Field servic e appr o- Appropriations hereinafter made for the field service of the Post priat ions not to be used for department .

Office Depart ment, except as ot herwis e provi ded, s hall n ot be ex- pended for any of the purposes hereinbefore provided for on account Tra vel ing i expenses of the Po st Office Departme nt in the District of Colum bia : Provide payable from service That the actual and necessary expenses of officials and employees of approp riation s . the Post Office Department and Postal Service, when traveling on official business, may continue to be paid from the appropriations for the servi ce in connec tion w ith wh ich the trave l is p erform ed, and appropriations for the fiscal year 1933 of the character here- tofore used for such purposes shall be available therefor : Provided Use estfIn n~ further, That appro priati ons he reinaf ter ma de, exc ept su ch as are exclu sivel y for pay ment of co mpen satio n, sh all b e im media tely available for expenses in connection with the examination of esti- mates for appropriations in the field including per diem allowances in lieu of actual expenses of subsistence .