Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/641

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72d CONGR ESS . SESS. I. CH. 443. JULY 7, 1932 .

617 District of Columbia and elsewhere, including $4,650 for investiga- tor wr es there~ tio nsh ip tions of the relationship of weather conditions to forest fires, under Vol.45,p. 701. section 6 of the Act approved May 22, 1928 (U. S. C., Supp. V, ,. so. C., supp . V_ title 16, sec . 581e), $2,503,218, of which not to exceed $800 may be expende d for the co ntribu tion o f the United States to th e cost of the office of the secretariat of the International Meteorological Com- rol Int e rnaCo iM etteo - mittee, and n ot to exceed $10,0 00 may be exp ended for th e main te- nance of a printin g office in the ci ty of Was hington f or the pr inting of weathe r maps, b ulletins, circular s, forms, and othe r publica tions P rovi ded That no printing shall be done by the Weather Bureau fr rin%ing l mitation . that can Le done at the Government Printing Office without impair- ing the s ervice of said bur eau . Hort icultu ral pr otecti on : For inves tigati ons, o bserva tions, and Horticultural protec- reports, forecasts, warnings, and advices for the protection of tio n . horticultural interests, $59,200 . Aerology : For the maintenance of stations, for observing, meas- Aerologioal stations . uring, and investigating atmospheric phenomena, including salaries and other expenses, in the city of Washi ngton and elsewhere, $1,4 65, 440 . Total, Weather Bureau, $4,164,038, of which amount not to exceed $532,96 0 may be exp ended for pe rsonal servic es in the Di strict of Colu mbia . BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY sALART ES AND G ENERAL E XPENSES Animal Industry Bure au. For carrying out the provisions of the Act approved May 29, 1884 General expenses . (U . S . C., title 7, sec . 391 ; title 21, sees . 112-119, 130), establishing Vos a..311117,s31 , a Bureau of Animal Industry, and the provisions of the Act Vol .2s,p,ss8 . approved March 3, 1891 (U . S . C ., title 45, sees . 75, 76), providing U.S. C.,p.1444. for the safe transp ort an d huma ne tre atment of exp ort ca ttle f rom the United States to foreign countries ,,~ and for other purposes ; the Act approved August 30, 1890 (U . 9. C ., title 21, sees . 101-105), 32Vo l .726, p . 414; vol. providing for the importation of animals into the United States, t S .C.,pp.63o,631 . and for other purposes ; and the provisions of the Act approved Contagious diseases . February 2, 1903 (U . S. C ., title 21, sees. 111-113, 120-122), to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to more effectually suppress and pre- vent the spread of contagious and infectious diseases of livestock, and for other purposes' and also the provisions of the Act approved March 3, 1905 (U . S . o ., title 21, sees . 123-128), to enable the See- vos cpp

retary of Agricult ure to es tablish a nd mainta in quaran tine dist ricts, cat tle quarantine. to permit and regulate the movement of cattle and other livestock therefrom and for other purposes ; and for carrying out the provi- sions of the Act of June 29, 1906 (U . S . C., title 45, sees. 71-74), law Twenty-eight hour entitled "An Act to prevent cruelty to animals while in transit by Vol . o p607. 44. railroa d or o ther m eans o f tran sporta tion

and for carrying out the provisions of the Act approved March 4, 1913 (U . S . C ., title 21, Animal viruses, etc. Vol .37p . 8322 sees. 151-158), regulating the preparation, sale, barter, exchange, or v .s.d.,p.e84. shipment of any virus, serum, toxin, or analogous products manu- factured in the United States and the importation of such products intended for use in the treatment of domestic animals ; and for carrying out the provisions of the Packers and Stockyards Act, Packers an d Stock- approved August 15, 1921 (U . S . C ., title 7, sees . 181-229) ; and to voi .42,p .159. enable the Secretary of Agriculture to collect and disseminate 'u- 8 .C-P-101-information concerning livestock and animal products ; to prepare seminaecting iniodrm and disseminate reports on animal industry ; to employ and pay tiorn ayoremployees. from the a pprop riat ion h erein mad e as many perso ns i n the city of Washington or elsewhere as he may deem necessary ; to purchase Tuberculin, serums, in the open market samples of all tuberculin, serums, antitoxins, or "'