Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/679

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 467, 470. JULY 8, 11,1932 .

655 [CHAPTER 467 .] JOINT , RESOLUTION Jul y 8, 19 32 . To permit a compact o r agreeme nt between the Stat es of Ida ho and Wyo mi ng (S.J. Res . 148.1 respec ting the dispositio n and app ortionmen t of the w aters of the Snake [Pub . Res., No.36 .1 River and its tributaries, and for other purposes . Whereas the Snake River and its tributaries are interstate streams Sn ake Rive r, e tc. flowing throu gh the States of Idaho and Wyoming ; and W herea s the above- named States are vitall y inte rested in t he pos sible Preamble development of the Snake River and its tributaries for irrigation, power, domestic, and navigation uses ; and Whereas the plans for future reclamation development must take into consideration the needs of the States and the water-right problems of interstate streams, and an agreement must be reached b y the Sta tes c once rned rega rdin g the eco nomic app orti onmen t of waters of said interstate streams ; and Whereas it is desirable that a"'compact for the economic apportion- ment of the waters of the Snake River and its tributaries for irrigation, power, domesti9, and navigation purposes be entered in to by ahd between the said States of Idaho and Wyoming, and that the interests of the United States be considered in the drawing of said compact, by authorized representatives of each of said States and of the United States : Now, therefore, be it

Con sent of Congress Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United to com pac t of Id aho States o f America in Congress assembled . That consent of Congress is ndi Wyoming division o hereby given to the States of Idaho and Wyoming to negotiate and water supply ofL enter into a compact or agreement not later than January 1, 1934, providing for an equitable diyision and apportionment between said States of the water supply M the Snake R iver and of the streams tributary thereto, upon conditions that a suitable person shall be appointed by the President of the United States, from the Depart- tinFederal participate . a nt a- ment of the Interior who shall participate in said negotiations as the repre sent ativ e oto the Unit ed S tates and sha ll ma ke r eport to Congress of the proceedings and of any compact or agreement entered P,oVos into : Provided, That any such compact or agreement shall not be Legislative and Con . binding or obligatory upon any of the parties thereto unless and rue s nal approval re- until the same shall have been approved by the legislature of each of said States and by the Congress of the United States

And pro-

Rights protected vided further, That the rights of other nonparticipating interested States shall not be jeopardized by such compact . SEC. 2 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Amendment . expressly reserved . Appr oved, Jul y 8, 1932 . [CHAP TER 470 .] AN ACT

July 11, 1932 . To authorize the presentation of a distinguished flying cross to Russell N . Board- [H . R . 7939 .1 man and John L . Polando, and Wiley Post and Harold Gatty, and for other , [Public, No. 276.1 p urposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the President RR us se hni: P ]Boa rd- is authorized to present, in the name of the Congress, a distinguished Wl1eyPost, andaarolk flying cross to Russell N . Boardman, of Brookline, Massachusetts, and John L . Polando, of Lynn, Massachusetts, who achieved a five thousand and eleven and eight-tenths mile nonstop trans-Atlantic flight from the United States to Istanbul Turkey, and also a distin- crossesawarded toying guished flying cross to Wiley Post, pilot, and Harold Gatty, navi- gator, in recognition of their achievement in making an airplane