Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/718

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CU. 482 . JULY 14,1932 . v~ as e t 4yr 45, F lood c ontro l, Sa cramen to Ri ver, Califo rnia : For prosecuting p. M; P. U99. C., Supp. V, work of flood control in accordance with the provisions of the Flood p .5i2. Control Act approved March 1, 1917 (U. S. C. title 33, sec. 703), as modified by the Flood Control Act approved May 15, 19 28 (U. S . C ., Supp. V, title 33, sec . 704), $1,000,000 . etauttho~zd payable . Mileage, traveling expenses, or per diem in lieu thereof, transporta- fr om appropriate tion of dependen ts, incl uding pa cking an d crating , and tr ansporta - funds. tion of baggage, as authorized b y law, for offic ers, warrant offi cers, and enlisted men of the Reg ular Army and civilian empl oyees, traveling on duty pertaining to or on detail to or relief from non- military activities provided for in this Act under appropriations for the Quartermaster Departmen t, Signal Corps, and Engine er De- partment, shall be paid from the appropriation in connection with which such-travel is performed . Panama Canal .

THE PANAMA CANAL Limitation not appli- The limitations on the expenditure of appropriations hereinbefore cable to appropriations mad e in th is Act shall not apply to the appropriations for the Panama Canal . All expenses .

For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the mainte- Objects specified . nance and operation, sanitation, and civil government of the Panama Canal and Canal Zone, including the following : Compensation of all officials and employees ; foreign and domestic ne wsp ap ers and periodicals ; law books not exceeding $1,000 ; textbooks and books of reference ; printing and binding, including printing of annual report ; rent and personal services in the District of Columbia ; purchase or exchange of typewriting, adding, and other machines ; purchase or exchange maintenance, repair, and operation of motor- Claims for damages . propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles ; claims for damages to vessels passing through the locks of the Panama Canal, as authorized by the Panama Canal Act ; claims for losses of or damages to property arising from the conduct of authorized business operations ; claims for damages to property arising from the mainte- nance and operation, sanitation, and civil government of the Panama Acquis ition o f land . Canal ; acquisition of land and land under water, as authorized in the Panama Ca nal Act ; expe nses in curr ed in a ssem bli ng, asso rti ng, st oring, r epairing , and se lling ma terial, machiner y, and e quipment heretofo re or he reafter purchase d or acq uired for the con structio n of the Panama Canal which are unserviceable or no longer needed, to be reimbursed from the proceeds of such sales ; expenses incident to conducting hearings and examining estimates for appropriations Emergencies . on the Isthmus ; expenses incident to any emergency arising because of calamity by flood, fire, pestilence, or like character not foreseen or otherwise provided for herein ; traveling expenses, when pre- scribe d by the G overno r of the Pa nama Canal to p ersons enga ged in field work or traveling on of ficial business ; and for such other expenses not in the United States as the Governor of the Panama Canal may deem necessary be st to promote the maintenan ce and operation, sanitation, and civil government of the Panama Canal, all to be expended under the direction of the Governor of the Panama Canal and accounted for as follows operat ion, et c .

For maintenance and operation of the Panama Canal : Salary of Purchase Purchasa of supplies, the g ov er no r, $ 10 ,0 00 ; purchase, insp ection, delivery, handling, and e m etc • storing of materials, su plies, and equipment for issue to all dart- en ts of the Panama C anal, the Panama Railroad other branches of the United States Government, and for authorized sales ; pay- ment in lump sums of not exceeding the amounts authorized by the