Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/724

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72d CONGRES S. SESS. I . CAS. 495, 496. JULY 15, 1932 . P amended so as to increase the amount therein authorized to be appro- ated from $666,000 to $714,420 .12, which amount includes the sum $16,791.21, the balance due oh two parcels of land numbered 13 and 14, for which final judgment in condemnation proceedings has been entered against the United States of America, together with such additional sum as may be necessary to pay interest at the rate stipulated and in accordance with the judgments rendered . Admi nistra tion SEC. 2. That of the $42,000 authorized by an Act approved Febru- buildi

zFiel d .


), Sum a uthorize d for, ary 18, 192 8 45 Stat . 129 ), appropriated by the Act approved emdeeoiremabbleforr p r- March 23,1928 (45 Stat. 338), and continued available until expended ~al pp M. M, by the Act approved July 3, 1930 (46 Stat . 909), for the construction Vol . 46,p .9o9.

of an administration building at Bolling Field, so much as may be necessary is hereby authorized to be made available for the com- pletion of the acquisition of the remaining parcels of real estate adjac ent to said flying fiel d not hereto fore t aken u nder declar ations Vol,4s,pp-13m,i116. of taking pursuant to provisions of an Act approved March 1, 1929 45 Stat. 1415), authorized to be acquired by an Act approved February 25 1929, supra, including interest at the rate stipulated and in accordance with judgments . A, T. Williams.

SEC. 3. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized, in his contr act for saint Johns Bluff Military discretion (1) to terminate the contract entered into June 1, 1925 , Reservation, Fla., ter- between the United States and A . T. Williams, of Jacksonville, mi nt ed, Florida, for the sale and urctiase of the Saint Johns Bluff Military fcQ npayimenttherefor Reservation, in Florida, (2) to execute a quitclaim deed therefor to A . T. Williams, or his executors, upon the receipt of an amount including interest aggregating not less than ten times the official appraised value made of said reservation prior to the time it was offered for sale . ,, Ref und s not pe r- SEC. 4. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as authorizing the Secr etary of War to re fund any sum of mo ney rece ived as p rinci pal or as interest under the provisions, of the contract of sale and pur- chase entered into with A . T. Williams for the Saint Johns Bluff Military Reservation, and the acceptance of the deed hereby author- ized shall constitute a final and complete bar, accord and satisfaction to any claim by any person for any such refund in whole or_ in part . A ppro ved, July 15, 1932 . Ju ly 15, 1932 . [H.J . Res. 361 .1 [P ub, Res ., No . 38.1 Leprosy in Hawaii . Publ ic Healt h Serv- foe aut ho riz ed to make survey for control of . Receiving station and h ospital . Estimate of construc- tion and maintenance costs to be prepared. [CHAPT ER 496.1 JOINT RESOLUTION To auth orize t he Surge on Gene ral of the Unit ed Stat es Publi c Healt h Servi ce to make a survey as to the existing facilities for the protection of the ublie health in the care and treatment of leprous persons in the Territory of Hawaii, and for other purposes . R esolved by the Senate and Ho use of Represen tatives of the United States o f America in Congr ess asse mble d, T ha t the Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Service is authorized and directed to- (1) Instit ute a survey by o fficer s of t he Pub lic He alth Servic e to determine the adequacy of facilities and extent to which provision is made for the protection of the public health in the care and treatment of leprous persons in the Terr itory of Hawaii, and to report upon remedial legislation providing for the further control and eradication of the disease in the Territory . (2) Prepare an estimate of the cost of ' lie construction and equip- ment of a receiving station and hospital for the care and treatment of leprous persons, including the acquisition of necessary grounds for the location of said station and hospital, and an estimate of the yearly cost of maintaining and operating such station and hospital .