Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/740

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72d CONGR ESS . SESS . I. CH. 520. JU LY 21,1932 . pany, credit un ion, Fede ral land bank, joi nt-stock land bank , Federal intermediate credit bank, agricultural credit corporation, livestock included. credit corporation, organized under the laws of any State or of the United States, including loans secured by the assets of any bank or savings bank that is closed, or in process of liquidation to aid in the reorganization or liquidation of such banks, upon application of the receiver or liquidating agent of such bank and any receiver of any nati onal bank is he re authori zed to contr act fo r such loans and Lit lien . to pledge any assets of the' bank for securing the same : Provided, That n ot more t han $200 000,000 s hall be u sed for t he relief of banks (including savings bans) that are, closed or in the process of liquidation . Public wo rks .

TITLE III-PUBLIC WORKS Appropriation for SEC 301 . (a) For the purpo se of pro vidin g for eme rgenc y con - ?mergency construe Ton of. struction of certain authorize public works wit a view to increasing Vol. 40, p . 1080.

employ ment a nd car rying out th e poli cy decl ared i n the Employ ment Stabilization Act of 1931, there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of Allocatio ns.

$322,224,000, which shall be allocated as follows Fed eral high ways .

(1) For expenditure in emergency construction on the Federal- aid highway system, $12 0,000 ,000 . Such sum shall be a ppor tione d n Met hod of apport ion- by the Secretary of Agriculture to the several States by the method Vol. 42, p. 217; Vol. provided in section 21 of the Federal Highway Act, as amended and i6 bp . 805. s. C., p. 667; supplemented (U. S. C. title 23, sec. 21) . The amounts appor- Aosia'b e •a tern_ tioned to the States shall be available as a temporary advance of


funds to meet the provisions of such Act as to State funds . The use to match annuli amount appor tioned to an y Stat e unde r this ma be used pportionments.

to match the regular annal Federal-aid a p par agra ph ort in ent sm ade to such State (including the one for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933), and when so used such amount shall be available for expendi- ture in paying the share of such State in the cost of Federal-aid Restriction on work. projects. No amounts apportioned under this paragraph shall be advanced except for work on the Federal-aid highway system per- Proviaos.

formed before July 1 1933 : Provided, That the amounts so Repayment over a ID-year period. advanced shall be ream ursed to the Federal Government over a period of ten years, commencing with the fiscal year 1938, by mak- ing annual deductions from regular a portionments made from future author izatio ns for carry ing ou t the p rovisi ons of such Act, as amended and supplemented : Provided further, That all contracts Labor provisions. involving the expenditure of such amounts shall contain provisions establishing minimum rates of wages, to be predetermined by the State highway - de partme nt, wh ich co ntract ors sh all pa y to sk illed and unskilled labor, and such minimum rates shall be stated in the invitation for bids and shall be included in proposals or bids for the wo r k : And provided further, That in the expe ndit ure of such amounts, the limitations in the Federal Highway Act, as amended and supplemented, upon highway construction, reconstruction, and ipalities Allo wance s cesinmunic bridg es wi thin muni cipal ities and upon paym ents per mile which , Vol . 4s, p. 683.

may be made from Federal funds, shall not apply . As used in this state to include Hawa ii"

paragraph, the term " State " includes the Territory of Hawaii . "Highway" defined . The term "highway," as defined in the Federal Highway Act, approved November 9, 1921, as amended and supplemented, for the purposes of this paragraph only shall be deemed to include such main State parkways as may be designated by the State and approved by the Secretary of Agriculture as part of the Federal- aid highway system .