Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/835

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 88. FEBRUARY 16, 1933 .

811 (CHAPTER 88 .1 AN ACT

February 18 1833 . To provide for the inspection of vessels navigating Canal Zone waters . (Pabllc, No. eaaJ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congrese assembled, That all vessels ti; s zon e, naatg a . navig ating the w aters of t he Ca nal Zo ne, e xcept publi c ves sels of inspec tion pr ove° all nations, and private vessels merely transiting the canal, shall be 810118. subject to an annual inspection of hulls, boilers, machinery, equip- ment, and passenger accommodations ; and the governor is hereby authorized to prescribe regulations concerning such inspection, pro- vided that such regulations shall, as nearly as practicable, confrm Tooonformto United to the laws and regul ations governing the Ste amboat Inspection States l aws, etc . Service of the United States . S EC. 2 . A foreign vessel of a country which has inspection laws vessels or foreign appro ximat ing th ose o f the Unit ed Sta tes, havin g an u nexpi red cer- tificate of inspection duly issued by the authorities of the said coun- try, shall not be subjected to an inspection other than that necessary to determine if the vessel, boilers, and life-saving equipment are as stated in the certificate of inspection ; but no such certificate of ti nerttflOBtesorinspeo inspection shall be accepted as evidence of lawful inspection unless Condition of ac ce pt- like privileges are granted to vessels of the United States under the 8IIC0' laws of the country to which such vessel belongs . SEC. 3. Wh en the board of local inspectors of the Panama Canal bylaoa •lanthOT1 approves a vessel and its equipment, a certificate of inspection, in triplicate will be issued by the canal authorities, two copies of which shall be displ ayed in conspicu ous plac es in the vessel where th ey are most likely to b e observed by passengers and others, and there kept at all times framed under glass . SEC. 4. Should the board of local inspectors not approve the vessel

of certitl- or its equipment, a certificate of inspection will be refused, and the boar d of local inspe ctors will make a sta temen t in w ritin g giv ing the reason for failure to approve, filing such statement in the records of the board, and giving a copy thereof to the owner, agent, or mas- ter of the vessel . SEC . 5. Any vessel, other than those excepted in section 1 of this



Act, that navigates the waters of the Canal Zone without having o ertifcete . an unexpired certificate of inspection issued by the Canal authori- ties or b y the Steam boat Inspe ction Servi ce of the U nited Stat es, or an unexpired certificate accepted by the Canal authorities under section 2 of this Act, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $1,000 ; and whenever any passenger is received on board a vessel not having certified copies of the certificate of inspection placed and kept as required by, section 3 of this Act, or whenever passengers are overcrowding. received on board a vessel in excess of the number authorized by said certificate of inspection, such vessel shall be liable to fine not exceeding $100 for each passenger so received. Fines shall be recov- ReQ0verY of fine. ered in the district court of the Canal Zone, and the amount so re- covered shall be a lien upon such vessel, and it may be seized and sold to satisfy same, as well as the costs of the court proceedings . SEC. 6 . In case a vessel holding an unexpired certificate issue by si evocation prove- the Canal au thorities shall c hange it s condit ion as t o hull, boilers, ma chin ery, equ ipme nt, or accommodations for passengers in suc h manner as not to conform to the regulations under which such certificate was issued, the board of local inspectors is authorized to ma ke an inspe ction and to rec ommen d rev ocati on of the c ertif icate of inspection, and upon approval of such reco mmen dati on b the marine superintendent, or such other officer of the Panama anal as may be des ignat ed by the g overn or, a noti ce of revoc ation will