Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/882

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72d CO NGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 98, 103, 106 . FEB. 17, 18, 20, 1933. shall be chargeable to the District of Columbia and paid in like manner as other appropriations of the District of Columbia are paid . Field wo rk appro . SEC . 2. Appropriations herein made for field work under the Gen- priations available for eral Land Office, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Recla- work animals, etc . mation, the Geological Survey, and the National Park Service shall be available for the hire, with or without personal services, of work anim als an d ani mal-d rawn a nd mo tor-p ropell ed ve hicle s and equipment . Approved, February 17, 1933 . February 18, 1933, [S.4694.] [Public, No. 362 .] District of Columbia Code amendment. Vol. 31, p. 1322, amended. Kidnaping, abduct- ing, etc. Punishment for. Scope . [CHAPTER 103 .] AN ACT To amend section 812 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia . Be it e nacted b y the Se nate and House o f Repres entative s of the Uni ted Stat es o f A merica i n Congre ss assem bled, That section 812 of the A ct ent itled "An Act to esta blish a Code of Law for the District of Columbia," approved March 3, 1901, as amended (D. C. Code, title 6, sec . 36), is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 812 . Whoever shall be guilty of, or of aiding or abetting in, seizing, confining, inveigling, enticing, decoying, kidnaping, abduct- ing , con cealin g, or carrying away any individual, by any means whatsoever, and holding or detaining, or with the intent to hold or d etain, s uch indi vidual f or ranso m or rewa rd, shal l, upon con- vict ion ther eof, be punished by impr isonment for life or for such term as the court in its discretion may determine . This section shall be held to have be en violated if e ither the seizing , confining, inve igling, enticing , decoyi ng, kidn aping, ab ducting, conceal ing, carr ying away, holdi ng, o r deta ining occu rs in the D istri ct of Columbia . If two or more individuals enter into any agreement or conspiracy to do any act or acts which would constitute a violation of the provisions of this section, and one or more of such individuals do any act to effect the object of such agreement or conspiracy, each such individual shall be deemed to have violated the provisions of this section ." Approved, February 18, 1933 . [CHAPTE R 106 .] February 20 . 1933 .

AN ACT [S.4673.] To amend an Act entitled "An Act to incorporate the trustees of the Female [Pu bli c, No . 363.]

Orphan Asylum in Georgetown, and the Washington City Orphan Asylum in the District of Colu mbia ," appr oved Ma y 24, 1828, as amen ded by Act of June 23, 1874 . Be it en acted by the Sen ate and House of Represen tatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 3 of the Act entitled "An Act to incorporate the trustees of the Female Or phan Asyl um in Ge orge town , and the Wa shi ngto n Ci ty Orphan Asylum in the Distr ict o f Colu mbia, " app roved May 24, 1828, as amended by Act of June 23, 1874 (relating to the amount of annual income from property belonging to the trustees of either of said corp orations ), is am ended by strikin g out "to a sum n ot excee ding $25,000 per annum" and inserting in lieu thereof "and such clear annual income of each of said corporations shall be applied to and for the purposes for which it was incorporated," Approved, February 20, 1933 . Orphan asylums, D . c. Limitation on in- comes of certain, re- moved. Vol.6,p.381


p . 608, amended . Ante, p.87.