Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/885

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 109 . FEB RU ARY 21, 1933 .

861 SEC . 16. That the word "magistrate" in sections 58, 59, and 60 worn ag Prate." use of shall hereafter be deemed to refer to the magistrates authorized by vol . a7, p. 564. section 7 of the Panama Canal Act, approved August 24, 1912, as amended . SEC. 16a. That Title VIII of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amende d by i nserti ng the rein, precedi ng sec tion 7 5, a new section numbered 74a, to read, as follows "SEC. 74a. The words `executive office' as used in this title shall . .exe ueioiHce office," '

be construed to mean such offices as are occupied and administered s trued. by the Governor of the Panama Canal and the heads of the various departments or divisions of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company, and the words `executive officer' to mean the Governor of the Panama Canal and the heads of the various depart- ments or d ivisi ons of th e Pan ama Canal and the P anam a Rai lroad Company ." SEC . 17. That section 79 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amended to read as follows "SEC. 7 9 . Eve ry exe cutive or mi nister ial of ficer w ho kno wingly Receiving, etc., un- asks or receives any emolument, gratuity or reward, or any promise utflcelsafeony ds by thereof, excepting such as may be authorized by law, for doing any official act, is guilty of a felony ." SE C. 17a . That section 80 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amended to read as follows "SEC. 80 . No officer or agent of any corporation, joint-stock corn- Interested persons prohibited to act as pang, or association, and no member or agent of any firm, or person government agents . directly or indirectly interested in the pecuniary profits or contracts of such c orporatio n, point- stock com pany, ass ociation, or firm, shall be employ ed or sha ll act as an offic er or age nt of the United S tates, the Panama Canal, or the Panama Railroad Company, for the trans- action of business with such corporation, joint-stock company, asso- ci at io n, or f ir m . Whoever sha ll violate the p rovisions of thi s section Punishment for via shall be fined not more than $2,000 and imprisoned in the penitentiary rations . not more than two years ." SEC . 18 . That section 83 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amended to read as follows "SEC . 83. Every public officer who, for any gratuity, or reward, Appointments to public othce for gratuity appoints another person to a public office, or permi ts anothe r person a f elo ny . to exercise or discharge any of the duties of his office, is guilty of a felony, and in ad dition th ereto for feits hi s office, and is forever Forfeiture of office . disqualified from holding any office in the Government of the Canal Zone." SEC . 19. That section 89, section 90, section 91 se ction 92, an d s i tiues l of obsolete section 93 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone, defining under Title Crimes against legis- IX crimes against the legislative power, are hereby repealed .

lative power . S EC. 20. That section 94 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amend ed to read a s foll ows "SEC. 94. Every person who gives or offers to give a bribe to any ~~nbfng judicial oB . j udi cial officer, ju ror, referee, ar bitrator, or ump ire, or to any p erson who may be authorized by law to hear or determine any question or controversy, with intent to influence his vote, opinion, or decision upon any matter or question which is brought before him for a decision, is punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary not more Punishment for. than ten years ." SEC . 21 . That section 95 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amended to read as follows "SEC. 95 . Every judicial officer, juror, referee, arbitrator, or ciaPl o'~h


umpire, and every person authorized by law to hear or determine etc., bribe. any question or controversy, who asks, receives, or agrees to receive, any bribe, upon any agreement or understanding that his vote,