Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1034

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2624 DOUBLE INCOME TAX-SHIPPING PROFITS-BRAZIL . Nos tennos expressos da lei, essa regalia restringe-se as companhias e nao comprehende, portanto, os rendimentos de cidadaos norte- americanos provenientes de urn ou mais navios, matriculados sob as leis do seu paiz. Finalmente, posso declarar a Vossa Excellencia que, a contar de 29 de Dezembro de 1928, llaO foram cobrados impostos sobre os rendi- mentos percebidos pelas emprezas de navega«;ao exploradas por ci~adaos da America do Norte ou companhias estabelecidas nesse palz. Aproveito a opportunidade para reiterar a Vossa Excellencia os protestos da minha mais alta considera«;ao. OCTAVIO ~IANGABEIRA. A SUA EXCELLENCIA 0 SENHOR EDWI!~ VERNON :MORGAN, Embaixador dos Estados Unidos da America. The Brazilian Minister jor Foreign Affairs (}.tlangabeira) to the American Ambassador O\f.organ) ! [Translation) NC/15 ~hNISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS RIO DE JANEIRO, March 11,1930. MR. AMBASSADOR: In continuation of the subject of my note No. NC/99, of Septem- ber 28 last, and in accordance with infonnation received from the Ministry of Finance, I have the honor to hand Your Excellency the following explanations: The exemption mentioned in Article 6 of Law No. 5,623, of Decem- ber 29, 1928, shall be applied to all companies or associations estab- lished in North America, which conduct the industry of navi~ation and have agencies or branch offices in Brazil or exercise actIviti('s her~, under conditions of reciprocity for Brazilian navigation com- panIes. Under the express tenns of the law, this privil(~e is restricted to these companies and therefore does not include the income of North American citizens, derived from the operation of one or more ships, registered under the laws of their country.