Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1096

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2686 LOAD-LINE CERTIFICATES-IRISH FREE STATE. The Minister jor External Affairs oj tM Irish Free State (JlcGilliga,n) to the American Afinister (Sterling) ROINN GNOTHAI COIGRICHl': DEI>ARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS SAORSTAT EIREANN IRISH FREE STATE 18th NOl~e71iber, 1931. YOUR EXCELLENCY, }o•.!:"=t by Irish ,I have the honour to acknowledge the r!'ceipt of Your Excdlency's Note No. 380 of the 21st September statmg that your Government, after examination by the competent authorities of the ICdd line regulations in force in this country, are willing to entE'r into a reciprocal Loadline Agreement with the Government of the Irish Free State. I have accordingly the honour to inform you that the Government of the Irish Free State on the advice of the Minister for Industry and Commerce hereby concur in the terms of the agreement as set out in Your Excellency's Note, that is to say, that ~ending the coming into force in the United States and in the Irish Free State of the Inter- national Load Line Convention signed in London on July 5,1930, the competent authorities of the Governments of the United States and the Irish Free State, respectively, will recognize as equivalent the load line marks and the certificate of such marking of merchant vessels of the other country made pursuant to the re~ulations in force in the respective countries: provided, that the load lIne marks are in accord- ance with the load line certificates; that the hull and superstructures of the vessel certificated have not been so materially altered since the issue of the certificate as to affect the calculations 'On whieh the loa(l line was based, and that alterations ha've not been made so that the-- (1) Protection of Openings, (2) Guard Rails, (3) Freeing Ports, (4) Means of access to Crews Quarters have made the vessel manifestly unfit to proceE'd to sea without danger to human life. I am to add that the Government of the Irish Free State regard the Agreement as having become effective by this exchange of Notes. I avail myself of this opportunity to convey to Your ExcE'lleney the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. SEAN MURPHY For the ",\1inister. HIS EXCELLENCY F. A . STERLING, Ent,oy Extraordinary a,nd Minister Plenipottnti.ary oj the United States 0/ America, American Legaholl, Phoenix Park, Dublin. [No.27}