Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/229

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CONVENTION-AMERICAN RIGHTS IN IRAQ. JAN. 9, 1930. 1835 An officer who shall have availed himself of this option may. by giving 8cbedule n~&d. three months' notice. cancel the arrangement and draw his salary In rupees In Iraq. PfUlI(Jgc, of otp,oer,. 4.- A (1.) An officer wlll, on first appointment, be allowed a tree first-claBs passage out to Iraq subject to his executing an agreeruent under which he will be bound to refund the cost thereof In the event of his relinquishing the appointment within three years from the date of his arrival In Iraq in order to take up other employment in Iraq, or within one year from date of such arrival for any other reason except bodily or mentalinftrmlty. (2.) He wUI also on the termination of his service be allowed a free first- class passage to England; provided that, it the Government terminates his servIce under clause 18 of these regulations for misconduct or insubordination, or it the officer terminates it for any other reason than bodily or mental infirmitY, the allowance of thIs passage shall be at the discretion of the Government. (3.) During the currency of his agreement an officer.will be further allowed a free return first-class passage from Iraq to England and back, once on a three or five years' contract and once again if the contract is extended beyond five years. It an officer who has already taken the free return passage or passages to England granted under this sub-elause or who Is not entitled to any such free return passage, is sent to England on the ground of lll-hwth, a similar free return passage to England and back shall be granted to him. (4.) The Government may provide the passage allowed under this regulation on any ship of a recognised line which carries first-class passengers between England and Iraq or on a British Government transport. It the oftlcer elects to proceed by a dtlferent route, line or class, or to a destination other than the United Kingdom, he shall receive the actual cost of the passage he takes or the value of the passage allowed under this regula- tion, whichever is the less. Wive, Of Otfker,. B (1.> The wife of an officer already married at the comm~ncement of his contract shall be allowed two free first-class single passages either way between England and Iraq if the officer's contract is for three or five years' service and one further single passage if the officer's contract is extended beyond five years. (2.) When the officer marries during the period of his contract, the wife shall be allowed two free first-class single passages either way if and when the officer's contract is extended. (3.) Passages allowed to wives shall be provided undel' the same conditions as those allowed to officers under 4 A of these regulations. Quarters. 5. In the case of an officer oeeupying a house which is the property of the Government, rent wlll be charged on the following principle:- An officer who is occupying a house by himself shall pay rent at the rate of 8 per cent. of his salary and an officer who is sharing a house with another officer sball pay rent at the rate of 4 per cent. of his salary, provided that the payment made by the officer or officers occupying the house shall in no case exceed n fair rent for the house calculated on the basis of the actual rents of privately-owned houses in the lccaUty. Rent wlll be paid on the same principle by officers occupying houses which are not the property of the Government, provided that the payment made by the officer or officers OCC'tipy- ing the house shall in no case exceed the actual rent of the bouse, then, in order to assist the officer in paying the balance of the rent, the Government shall give such officers an allowance in aid as follows:- In Basrah and Bagdad- Married officers, not exceeding 12 per cent. of their salary. Unmarried officers, not exceeding 6 per cent. of their salary. In other stations- Married Officers, not exceeding 8 per cent. of their salary. Unmarried officers. not exceeding 4 per cent. of their sajary. These allowanee8 in aid shall be subject to revision every year in acoordance with the actual fiuctuatlon of rents. 3051°-33-PT2 - -14