Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/328

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1934 POSTAL CONVENTION-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV. 10,1931. Tari1! of rates. Report. po6ta&'e j) De publicar la tarifa de portes del servicio interior de cada uno de los pruses interesados y el cuadro de equivalencias. k) De redactar y distribuir anualmente entre los paises de 1a Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espana una Memoria de los traba- jos que rea.lice; y Miscellaneous. l) De llevar a cabo los estudios y trabajos que sa Ie pidan, en interes de los pruses contratantes y con relaci6n a )a obra de vin- culaci6n social, econ6mica y artis- tica, para cuyo efecto la Oficina Internacional estara siempre a disposici6n de dichos paises, a fin de facilitarles cuantos informes especiales requieran sobre asuntos relativos al servicio de Correos americoespanol. Special expenses pro- 3. Los gastos especiales que rated. demanden la formaci6n de la Memoria anual y el cuadro de comunicaciones postales de los paises contratantes, y los que se produzcan con motivo de la reuni6n de Congresos 0 Conferen- cias, seran sufragados por las Administ,raciones de diclios pai- ses, de acuerdo con las categorias establecidas en el articulo 9 del Reglamento de ejecuci6n. SUpervision of ex· 4. La Adminu-traci6n general penses. de Correos, TeIegrafos y TelMonos del Uruguay fiscalizara los gastos de la Oficina Internacoinal de la Union Postal de las Americas y Espana y Ie hara los anticipos que necesite. Jlepayment. 5. Las cantidades adelantadas por la Administraci6n del Uru- guay en concepto de anticipos, a que se refiere el parrafo anterior, se abonaran por las Administra- ciones deudoras tan pronto como sea posible, y, a mas tardar, antes de seis meses, a partir de la fecha en que el pais interesado reciba la cuenta formulada por la Adminis- traci6n general de Correos, Tele- grafos y Telefonos del Uruguay. Despues de esta fecha, las canti- dades adeudadas devengaran inte- res a razon de 7% al ano, a contar desde el dia de la expiraci6n de dicho plazo. (j) Publishing the tariff of post- age rates of the domestic service of each of the countries con- cerned, and the table of equiva- lents. (k) Publishing and distributing among the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, annually, a report of the work which it performs. (l) Carrying out the studies and works requested of it in the interest of the contracting coun- tries, relative to the work of social, economic and artistic coop- eration, for which purpose the International Office shall always be at the disposal of said coun- tries in order to furnish them any special information which they may require on matters relative to ~he Americo-Spanish postal sel'Vlce. 3. The special expenses arising from the preparation of the Annual Report and the Table of Postal Communications of the contracting countries and those arising on account of the meetin~ of Congresses or Conferences will be shared by the Administrations of said countries in accordance with the classes established in Article 9 of the Regulations of Execution. 4. The Administration of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones of Uruguay will supervise the ex- penses of the International Office of the Postal Union of thb Ameri- cas and Spain, and will make to it the advances which it requires. 5. The amounts advanced by the Administration of Uruguay in aceordance with the foregoing Section will be repaid by the debtor AdministratIons as soon as possible, and, at the latest, before six months from the date on which the country concerned receives the account formulated lry' the Administration of Posts, Telegrap!ls and Telephones of Uruguay. After this date, the amounts due will bear interest at the rate of 7% a vear, counting from the date of expiration of the said period.