Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/416

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2022 MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-WAR PRISONERS. JULY 27,1929. Purpose declared. P1empotentlaries. Republique HelIenique, Son AI- tesse serenissime Ie Gouverneur de 10. Hongrie, So. Maieste Ie Roi d'Italie, So. Ma~ste l'Empereur du Japon, Ie President de 10. Republique de Lettonie, Son AI- tesse royale 10. Grande-Duchesse de Luxembourg, Je President des ~tats-Unis du Mexique Ie Presi- dent de 10. Republique de Nicara- gua, So. !v.!ajeste Ie Roi de N or- v~ge, So. Majeste 10. Reine des Pays-Bas, So. Majeste imperiale Ie Shah de Perse, Ie President de 10. Republique de Pologne, Ie President de 10. Republique Portu- gaise, So. Majeste Ie Roi de Rou- manie, So. Majeste Ie Roi des Serbes, Croates et Slov~nes, So. Majeste Ie Roi de Siam, So. Ma- jeste Ie Roi de SuMe, Ie Conseil federal suisse, Ie President de 10. Republique Tchecoslovaque, Ie President de 10. Republique Tur- que, Ie President de 10. Republique orientale de l'Uru~ay, Ie Presi- dent de 10. Republique des ~tats­ Unis de VenezueIa, reconnaissant que, dans Ie cas extreme d'une guerre, il sera du devoir de toute Puissance d'en attenuer, dans 10. mesure du possible, les rigueurs inevitables et d'adoucir Ie sort des prison- niers de guerre; desireux de developper les prin- cipes qui ont inspire les conven- tions internationales de La Haye, en particulier 10. Convention con- cernant les lois et coutumes de 10. guerre et Ie R~glement qui y est annexe; ont resoiu de conclure une Con- vention A cet effet, et ont nomme po~r leurs PIenipotentiaires, sa- VOIr: French Rep_ublic, the President of the Hellenic Republic, His Serene Highness the Regent of Hungary, His Majesty the King of Italy, His MaJes~y the Em- peror of Jap_an, the President of the Republic of Latvia, Her Royal Highness the Grand Duch- ess of Luxembourg, the President of the United States of Mexico, the President of the Republic of Nicaragua, His Majesty the King of Norway, Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Persia, the President of the Repub- lie of Poland, the President of the Portuguese Republic, His Maj- esty the King_of Rumania, HlS Majesty the King of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, His Maj- esty the King of Siam, His MaJ- esty the King of Sweden, the SWlSS Federal Council, the Presi- dent of the Czechoslovak Repub- lic, the President of the Turkish Republic, the President of the Onental Republic of Uruguay, [and] the President of the Repub- lic of the United States of Vene- zuela, recognizing that, in the extreme case of a war, it will be the duty of everr. Power to diminish, so far as posslble, the unavoidable rigors thereof and to mitigate the fate of prisoners of war; desirous of developing the prin- ciples which inspired the interna- tional conventions of The Hague, in particular the Convention rela- tive to the laws and customs of war and the ReguJations annexed thereto; have decided to conclude a Convention to that end, and have appointed the following as their Plenipotentiaries, namely: LE PRESIDENT DU REICH ALLE- THE PRESIDENT OF THE GERMAN MANn: REICH: S. Exc. M . Edmund Rhombe~, His Excellency Herr Edmund Dr en Droit, Ministre en dispom- Rhomberg, Doctor of Laws, Min- bilite; ister unassigned;