Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/432

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2038 MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-WARPRISONER8. JULY 27,1929. parlant la m~me langue, y seront d~taches, en nombre suffisant, en tenant compte du grade des officiers et assimiles. Ceux-ci se procureront leur nourriture et leurs v~tements sur Ia solde qui leur sera versee par Ia Puissance detentrice. La gestion de l'ordinaire par les officiers eux-m~mes devra ~tr~ favorisee de toute maniere. f~if:,n~~Of~ CHAPI.T~E 7.- Des r~ssou~ces pe- cun'tatres des pruJonnur8 de guerre. Pay. Rate of exchange. Relmbursable. Allowances. ARTICLE 23. Sous reserve d'arrangements particuliers entre les Puissances belligerantes, et notamment de ceux prevus A l'article 24, les officiers et assimiles prisonniers de guerre recevront de la Puis- sance detentrice la m~me solde que les officiers de grade corres- pondant dans les armees de cette Puissance, sous condition, toute- fois, qlle cette solde ne depasse pas celIe A laquelle lls ont droit dans lesarmees du pays qu'lls ont servi. Cette solde leur sera ver- see integrruement, une fois par mois si possible, et sans qu'll puisse ~tre fait aucune deduction pour des depenses incombant A10. Puissance detentrice, alors m~me qU'elles seraient en leur faveur. Un accord entre Ies belligerants fixera Ie taux du change appli- cable A ce paiement; A defaut de parell accord, Ie taux adopte sera celui en vigueur au moment de l'ouverture aes hostilites. Tous les versements effectues aux prisonniers de guerre A titre de solde devront ~tre rembourses, A la fin des hostilites, par la Puissance qu'lls ont serne. ARTICLE 24. Des Ie debut des hostilites, les belligerants fixeront d'un commun accord Ie montant maximum d'ar- gent comptant que les prisonniers speak the same language, shall be assigned thereto, in sufficient numbers, considering the rank of the officers and persons of equiv- alent status. The latter soall secure their food and clothing from the pay which shall be granted them by the detaining Power. Adminis- tration of the mess-fund by the officers themselves must be iacili- tated in every way. CHAPTER 7. Financial Re80urces oj Prisoners oj War. ARTICLE 23. Subject to private arrange- ments between belligerent Powers, and particularly those lrovided in Article 24, officers an persons of equivalent status who are prisoners of war shall receive from the detaining Power the same pay as officers of cor- responding rank in the armies of that Power, on the condition, however, that this pay does not exceed that to which they are entitled in the armies of the country which they have served. This Lay shall be granted them in ful , once a month if possible, and without being liable to any deduction for expenses incum- bent on the detaining Power, ev~n when they are in favor of the pnsoners. An agreement between the bel- ligerents shall fix the rate of exchan~e applicable to this pay- ment; In the absence of such an agreement, the rate adopted 8haU be that in force at the opening of hostilities. All payments made to prisoners of war as pay must be reimbursed, at the end of hostilities, by the Power which they have served. ARTICLE 24. Upon the outbreak of hostili- ties, the belligerents shall, by common agreement, fix the maXI.- mum amount of ready money