Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/440

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2046 MlTLTILATERAL CONVENTION-WAR PRISONERS. JULY 27,1929. Po&t, p. 2OS7 . Intermediary. Agents as laborers. un systeme d'assistance mutuelle, cette organisation serait de la competence des hommes de con- fiance. D'autre part, ceux-ci pourront priter leurs offices aux prisonniers pour faciliter leurs relations avec les societies de secours mentionnees a l'article 78. Dans les camps d'officiers et assimiles, l'officier prisonnier de gueITe Ie plus ancien dans Ie grade Ie plus eIeve sera reconnu comme intennediaire entre les autorites du camp et les officiers et assimiles prisonniers. A cet effet, il aura 180 faculte de designer un officier prisonnier pour l'as- siter en qualite d'interprete au cours des conferences avec les autorites du camp. ARTICLE 44. Lorsque les hommes de cooo- ance seront employes comme travailleurs, leur activite comme representants des prisonniers de guerre devra ~tre compMe dans la duree obligatoire du travail. Facilities, etc., 8C- Toutes facilites seront accor- corded agents. Penalties. Subject to existing orders, etc. InsUbordination. dees aux hommes de coOOance pour leur correspondance avec les autorites militaires et avec 180 Puissance protectrice. Cette cor- respondance ne sera pas limitoo. Aucun representant des prison- niers ne pourra ~tre transfere sans que Ie temps necessaire lui ait eM laisse pour mettre ses successeurs au courant des affaires. en cours. CHAPITRE 3. -Des sanctions pe- nales d l'egard des prisonniers de guerre. 1.- Dispositions genArales. ARTICLE 45. Les prisonniers de guerre seront soumis aux lois, reglements et ordres en vigueur dans les annees de 180 Puissance detentrice. Tout acte d'insubordination autorisera a leur egard les me- sures prevues par ces lois, regle- ments et ordres. Demeurent reservees, toutefois, les dispositions du present cha- pitre. assistance system among them- selves, this organization would be in the sphere of the agents. Further, they may lend their offices to prisoners to facilitate their relations with the aid socie- ties mentioned in Article 78. In camps of officers and persons of equivalent statust:~he senior officer prisoner of the u%hest rank shall be recognized as mtennedi- ary between the camp authorities and the officers and persons of equivalent status who are prison- ers. For this purpose, he shall have the power to appoint a prisoner officer to assist him as an inter- preter during the conferences with the camp authorities. ARTICLE 44. When the agents are employed as laborers, their activity as rep- resentatives of prisoners of war must be counted m the compulsory period of labor. All f8dlities shall be accorded the agents for their intercourse with the military authorities and with the protectmg Power. This intercourse shall not be limited. No representative of tho pri- soners may be transferred without the necessary time being allowed him to inform his successors about affairs under consideration. CHAPTER 3. Penalties Applicable to Prisoners oj War. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS. ARTICLE 45. Prisoners of war shall be sub- ject to the laws, regulations, and orders in force in the arInies of the det~ Power. An act of InSubordination shall justify the adoption towards them of the measures provided by such laws, regulations and orders. The provisions of the present chapter, however, are reserved.