Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/447

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MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-WAR PRISONERS. JULY 27,1929. 2058 ARTICLE 66. Si la peine de mort est pro- non~ contre un prisonnier de guerre, une communication expo- sant en detail la nature et lea circonstances de l'infraction sera a.dressee, au plus ~t, au repr~ sentant de la Puissance protec- trice, pour ~tre tra.nsmise a la Puissance dans les armees de laquelle Ie prisonnier a servi. Le jugement ne sera pas ex~ cute avant l'expiration d'un delai d'au moins trolS mois a partir de cette communication. ARTICLE 67. Aucun prisonnier de guerre ne pourra ~tre prive du benefice des dispositions de l'article 42 de la presente Convention a la suite d'un jugement ou autrement. TITRE IV. DE LA FIN DE LA CAPTIVIT~. A.BTICLE H. If the de;ath pe~ty is pro- ~~:­ nounced agamst a prlSOner of war, a communi(.8 .tion setting forth in detail the nature ana circum- stances of the offense shall be sent as soon as possible to the representative of the protecting Power, for transmission to the Power in whose armies the pris- oner served. The sentence shall not he exe- cuted before the expiration of a period of at least three months after this communication. ARTICLE 67. of deMIt ~o j>risoner of war may be de- cJ~~tt = pnved of the benefit of the pro- Power. visions of Article 42 of the present AtIk, p. ~ Convention as a result of a sen- tence or otherwise. TITLE IV. TERMIN I\TION OF 'I'ermiDaUon of ~ . CAPTIVITY. .h ity. SECTION I. Du RAPATRIEMENT SECTION I. DIRECT REPATRIA- and=~: DIRECT ET DE L'HOSPI'-'ALISA- TION AND HOSPITALIZATION IN aneutr COIlDtry. T10N EN PAYS NEUTRE. A NEUTRAL COUNTRY. ARTICLE 68. Les belligerants seront tenus de renvoyer dans leur pays, sans egard au grade ni au nombre, apres les avoir mis en etat d'~tre transportes, les prisonniers de ~erre grands malades et grands blesses. . Des accords entre les bellig~ rants fixeront en consequence, a.ussi~t que possible, les cas d'invalidite ou de maladie en- tratnant Ie rapatriement direct, ainsi que les cas entratnant even- tuellement l'hospitalisation en pays neutre. En attendant que ces accords soient conclus, les belligerants pourront se referer a l'accord-type annexe, a titre docu- mentaire, a la presente Conven- tion. ARTICLE 69. D~ l'ouverture des hostilites, les belligerants s'entendront pour nommer des commissions m6di- cales mixtes. Ces commissions ARTICLE 68. Belligerenf:9 are bound to send sfcTarmstroBot (talk) 20:44, 11 June 2014 (UTC) back to thelI' own country, re- 0Den. gardless of rank or number, seriously sick and seriously in- jured prisoners of war, after having brought them to a condi- tion where they can be transported. Agreements between belliger- Agreements concern· tsh11 rdingl ttl iDg repatriation, etc. en sa acco yse eas soon as possible the cases of in- validity or of sickness, entailing direct repatriation, as well as the cases entailing possible hospitali- zation in a neutral country. While awaiting the conclusion of these agreements, belligerents may have reference to the model agreement annexed, for docu- mentary purposes, to the present Convention. ARTICLE 69. Upon the outbreak of hos- MIxed medical com- tilities, belligerents shall come to millions. an agreement to name mixed medicalcommisslons. These com-