Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/455

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MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-WAR PRISONERS. JULy 27,1929. 2061 dQ~61 ~ de la Puissance proteetrice. Lea autoriMs mill- taires seront inform~ de leur visite. Les belligm-ants pourront s'en- tendre ~ur admettre que des ~r­ sonnes (Ie la propre nationalit6 des prisonniers soient admises A. par- ticiper aux voyages d'mspection. ARTICLE 87. En cas de d~accord entre les belligm-ants sur l'application des dispositions de la pr~sente Con- vention, les Puissances protec- trices devront, dans la mesure du possible, pr~ter leurs bons offices aux fins de r~lement du di1f~rend. A cet effet, chacune des Puis- sances proteetrices pourra, notam- ment, proposer aux bellig~rants inMress~ une r~union de repr~­ sentants de ceux-ci, ~ventuene­ ment sur un territoire neutre con- venablement choisi. Les belli- g~rants seront tenus de donner suite aux propositions qui leur seront faites dans ce sens. La Puissance protectrice pourra, Ie cas ooh~ant, soumettre A. I'agr~ ment des Puissances en cause une J)ersonnalite appartenant a. une Puissance neutre ou une per- sonnalite d~Ieguee par Ie Comite international (Ie la Croix-Rouge, qui sera appelee a. participer a. cette reunion. ARTICLE 88. Les dispositions qui }>recMent ne font pas obstacle a. l'activite humanitaire que Ie COInite inter- national de Ia Croix-Rouge pour- ra deployer pour la protection des prisonniers de guerre, moyennant l'agrement des belligerants int~ resses. SECTION III. DISPOSITIONS FINALES. ARTICLE 89. Dans les rapports entre Puis- sances liees par la Convention de La Haye concernant les lois et coutumes de Ia guerre sur terre, qu'll s'agisse de celIe du 29 juillet 1899 ou de celIe du 18 octobre of the protec~ Power. The milltaiy authorities shall be in- formed of their visit. Belligerents may come to an agreement to allow ~rsons of the same nationality as the prisoners !.o be J.>6rmi!ted to take part in mspection tnps. ARTICLE 87. In case of disagreement between BettJemeDt of cWIer the belligerents as to the applica- ellOfJl. tion of the provisions of the pres- ent Convention, the protecting Powers must, in so far as possible, lend their good offices for the PU!'Pose of settling the difference. For this _purpose, each of the protecting Powers may, in par- ticular, suggest to the interested belligerents a meeting of repre- sentatives thereof, possibly upon a neutral territory suitably chosen. Belfuterents shall be bound to accede to proposals in this sense which are made to them. The protecting Power may, if occasion arises, suomit for the approval of the Powers concerned 8. person belonging to a neutral Power or a person delegated by the inter- national Committee of the Red Cross, who shall be summoned to take part in this meeting. ARTICLE 88. The foregoing provisions are not Red Cross activity bI hh .. not a1fected. an0 stacetot e umamtanan activity which the International Conumttee of the Red Cross may use for the protection of prisoners of war, with the con- sent ~f the interested belligerents. SECTION III. FINAL PROVISIONS. Final provisloDS. ARTICLE 89. In the relations between Po~ers PI~~n~~g~toIr~f bound by the Hague Convention Hague Conventions respecting the Laws and Customs ~orti~~. 1800" Vol. of War on Land, whether it is a 36, Po U11. • question of that of July 29, 1899, or that of October 18, 1907, and