Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/478

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2084 MULTILA'iERAL CONVENTION-SICK,WOUNDED. JULY 27,1929. leur plaque d'identite, l'autre moitie devant rester attaches au cadavre. . Interments! etc. Ils veilleront Ace que l'inhuma- Prior e1lWllnation to be made. tion ou l'incineration des morts soit precedee d'un exam~:1. atten- tif et, si possible, medic&.l des corps, en vue de constater la mort, d'etH.blir l'identite et de pouvoir en rendre compte. Ils veilleront, en outre, a ce qu'ils soient enterres honorable- ment, que leurs tombes soient res- pectees et puissent toujours ~tre retrouvees. Service of graves to A cet effet et au debut des be organized. hostilites, ils o~aniseront officiel- lement un sel'Vlce des tombes en vue de rendre possible des exhu- mations eventuelles et d'assurer l'identification des cadavres, quel que soit l'emplacement successif des tombes. D~ la fin des hostilites, ils echangeront la liste des tombes et celIe des morts ensevelis dans leurs cimetieres et ailleurs. ARTICLE 5. Appeal to charity uf L'autorite militaire f.0urra f&ire inhe.bitants. • h. appel au zele chantab e des abI- tants pour recueillir et soigner, sous son contr61e, des blesses ou des malades des anneas, en ac- cordant aux personnes ayant re- pondu a cet appel une ~rotection speciale et certaines faeilites. Sanitary formations CHAPITRE II. Des formations et and establishments. deMbZ' nt it" s Cifla 't8seme s san atres. ARTICLE 6. Respect and proteo- Les formations sanitaires mo- tion to. EIcepUoU. biles, c'est-a.- dire celles qui sont destinees a. accompagner les ar- mees en campagne, et las etablis- sements fixes du service de sante seront respectes et proteges par les belligerants. ARTICLE 7. La protection due au."t forma- tions et etablissements sanitaires cessera si l'on en use pour com- mettre des actes nuisibles A l'en- neIDl. plaque, the other half remaining attached to the body. They shall see that a careful examination, if possible, medicall is made of the bodies of the deaa prior to their interment or crema- tion, with a view to verifying thejr death, establishing their identity, and in order to be able to furnish a report thereon. They shall further see that they are honorably buried and that the graves are treated with resI?ect and may always be found agam. For this purpose, and at the outbreak of hostilities, they shall officially organize a service of graves in order to render any later exhumation possible ~nd to make certain of the identity of bodies even though they may have been moved from grave to grave. Upon the termination of hos- tilities, they shall exchange lists of ~aves and of dead buried in theIr cemeteries and elsewhere. ARTICLE 5. The military authority may make an appeal to the charitable zeal of t~ inhabitanro 00 receive and, under its supervision, to care for, the wounded or sick of the armies, granting to persons responding to such appeals special protection and certam facilities. CHAPTER II. San?Jary Formations and EstabZishments. ARTICLE 6. Mobile sanitary formations, i. e., those which are intended to accompany armies in the field, and the fixed establishments be- longing to the sanitary service shall be protected and respected by the belligerents. ARTICLE 7. The protection due to sanitary formatIOns and establishments shall cease if they are used to commit acts injurious to the enemy.