Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/538

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2144 FRIENDSHIP. ETC., TREATY-NOR'VAY. JUNE 5, 1928. Contracting Parties, and carrying the papers required by its na- tionallaws in proof of nationality shall, both within the territorial waters of the other High Con- tracting Party and on the high seas, be deemed to be the vessels of the Party whose flag is flown. ARTICLE XI Di8chal1dnc cargoes Merchant vessels and other at open POrts. privately owned vessels under the flag of either of th3 High Contracting Parties shall be per- mitted to discharge portions of cargoes at any {lort open to for- eign commerce m the territories of the other High Contracting Party, and to proceed with the remaining portions of such car- goes to any other ports of the same territories open to foreign commerce, without paying other or higher tonnage dues or port charges in such cases than would be paid by national vessels in like circumstances, and they shall be permitted to load in like man- . n e r at different/orts in the same voyage outwar , provided, how- COBSting trade ex· ever, that the coasting trade of emption. the High Contracting Parties is exempt from the provisions of this Article and from the other provisions of this Treaty, and is to be regulated accordirig to the laws of each High Contracting Party in relation thereto. It is agreed, however, that nationals of either High Contracting Party shall within the territories of the other enjoy with respect to the coasting trade the most favored nation treatment. ARTICLE XII Oorporations, etc., Limited liability and other cor- organized in either • d .. oountry ma~ conduct poratIOns an assoclatIOns, buslnessln t eother. whether or not for pecuniary prof- it, which have been or may here- after be organi.led in accordance with and under the laws, N a- tional, State or Provincial, of either High Contracting Party and maintain a central office with- in the territories thereof, shall have their juridical status recog- nized by the other High Contract- ing Party provided that they pur- traherende Parter o~ som er i besiddelse av de paplrer som av eget lands lover utkreves som nasjonalitetsbevi8 skal sA.vel i den annen Hoie Kontraherende Parts territoriale farvann 80m pA. Apent hay ansees for A. tilhore den part, hvis flagg fores. ARTIKKEL XI Handels- og andre privat eiede skib under fiagget til den ene elier den annen av de Hoie Kon- traherende Parter skal tillates A. losse deler av sin last i hvilken som heIst av den annen Boie Kontraherende Parts havner, som er A.pne for fremmed handel, <'g A. fortsette sin reise med de res- terende partier av sMan last til hvilken som heIst av samme lands havner, som er Apne for fremmed handel, uten i sMall A. erlegge andre elier hoiere tonnasje- eller havne-avgifter enn de 80m i lig- nende tilfelie betales av landets egne skib; de skallikeledes tillates A innta last i forskjellige havner pA samme utreise. De to Boie Kontraherende Parters kystfart skal imidlertid vaere undtatt fro. bestemmelsene i denne artikkel og fra naervaerende traktats ovrige bestemmelser. Kystfarten skal ordnes overensstemmende med hver av de Hoie Kontra- herende Parters lover. Bver av de Boie Kontraherende Parters borgere skal imidlertid i den annen parts territoriermed hensyn til kystfart nytc mestbegunstiget behandling. ARTIKKEL XII Sammenslutninger elIer selska- per med elIer uten begrenset an- 8var, hvad enten deres formA.! er erhvervsvirksomhet elIer ikke, 80m har vaert elier som fremtidig mAtte bli etablert i overensstem- melse med og under en av de Boie Kontraherende Parters stats- elIer 8tedlige lover, og 80m har hoved- kontor i vedkommende parts ter- ritorier, skal anerkjennes 80m juridiske personer hos den annen Boie Kontraherende Part forut-