Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/554

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2160 FRIENDSHIP, ETC., TREATY-NORWAY. JUNE 5, 1928. oo:~n:k~::r EXCHANGE OF NOTES CONCERNING THE TARIFF TREATMENT ~oTWegl8n II8rdIneII. OF NORWEGIAN SARDINES The Norwegian Minister (Bac1tke) to the Secretary of State (Kellogg) ROYAL NORWEGIAN LEGATION, Washington, D.O ., June 5,1928. MR. SECRETARY OF STATE: During the negotiations relating to the conl'.lusion of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights, which to-day has been signed, I was given to understand that under the present tariff laws of the United States Norwegian Sardines are accorded the same tariff treatment as sardines imported from any other country and that such equality of treatment would be continued under the most favored nation provision of the Treaty. Upon the request of my Government I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that my Government would appreciate very much to receive, if this be found possible, a communication from Your Excellency, stating that the tariff treatment of the Norwegian Sardines is as above mentioned. Please accept, Mr. Secretary of State, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. HIS EXCELLENCY HONORABLE FRANK B. KELLOGG, Secretary of State, etc. etc. etc. H. H . BACHKE The Secretary of State (Kellogg) to tM Norwegian Minister (Bac1tke) DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, June 5, 1928. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this day's date, stating that during the negotiations relating to the con- clusion of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights between the United States and Norway, which you have this day signed with me, you were given to understand tr.~t under the present tariff laws of the United States, Norwegian sardines are accorded the same tariff treatment as sardines imported from any other country, and that such equality of treatment would be continued under the most-favored-nation provision of the treaty. In reply I am happy to confirm the correctness of your under- standing, as above recited, of the equality of treatment which is now accorded under the tariff laws of the United States, and will continue to be accorded under the most-favored-nation provision of the treaty, to Norwegian sardines. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. MR. HALVARD H. BACHKE, Mini.ster of Norway. FRANK B. KELLOGG