Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/584

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2190 EXTRADITION TREATY--GREECE. MAY 6, 1931. 01!enJe apInat Head When the offense charged com.. of State, etc., not a po- • th .th f d lltlccl crime. pnses eacteJ. er0 mur eror a88&8Sination or of poisoning, eitner consummated or attempted, the fact that the offense was com- mitted or attem1?ted agf!inst the life of the SoverelgJl or Head of a foreign State, or ~st the life of any member of his family, shall not be deemed sufficient to SUB- tain that such crime or offense was of a political character; or was an act connected with crimes or offenses of a political character. ARTICLE IV. ~r~~i~~: .No persoffn shall be tri.ed fdor ~y dered. cnme or 0 ense, COIIllIlltte pnor to his extradition, other than that for which he was surrendered, unless he has been at liberty for one month after having been tried, to leave the country, or, in ease of conviction, for one month after having 8U1fered his punish- ment or having been pardoned. Time limitation. ARTICLE V. A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered under the provisions hereof, when, from lapse of time or other lawful cause, according to the laws of either of the sur- rendering or the demanding coun- trv, the criminal is exempt from prosecution or punishment for the offense for which the Blh-render is asked. ARTICLE VI. Person U!lder prose- If a fumtive criminal whose cution in country t)- • d where found. surrender may be ela.une pur- suant to the stlPulations hereof, be actually under prosecution, out on bail or in custody, for 80 crime or offense committed in the coun- try where he has sought asylum, or shall have been convicted thereof, his extradition may be deferred until such proceedings be determined, and until he shall have been set at liberty in due course of law. Xfl.Pfl.ICT;'poS. 'Ea.., ~ ICfI.'I"f,.yopl.fI . a .rpopf. tpOlIOJI, "Jlfl.Lpetlu, 4f fXl.PlMUCc:Lfl.p TeTe- ).EtIJ,UJla. if "1r01rE,pa.8EvTa., TO ,,(E"Yov6f an TO 1,,(1C).'7l'fI. itlTpEfl'ETO ICa.Ta. T;'S rC&Jijr 1'OV Ueawa.TOI.I . . ApXOVTOf ~ TO& 'Apxrrroo fboov Kpa.TOIif ~ ICfI.Ta. T;;S rcMif iJlo, 01ovM,1rOTE EIC TiiJ., #.&E).iiJp T~ OUcO,,(EJlELa.s TOil 8iJl 8i).E' 8E(A)peiritU. b-fl.PICES 8,a TOP Xa.PQ.ICT'7P'tlp.OlI TO& l-yICMI'a.TOS ~ 1r).'7I'#.&EMI'fl.TOS TOirrOI.l, c:" IxoPTOS 'l"o).,nlCo., Xa.Pfl.ICTijPQ., it c:" 'l"pa~ECAlS tlllJla.rpoiis 'l"p6s 1,,(1C).'7l'fI. if 'l"X'7I'J,UX'7I'a. 1rOX'TlICOii;'poS. AP9PON 4. OMEls MJla.Ta., lIa 8l1Ca.a8j 8,' 1"(1C).'7I'a. iJ r).'1I'p.E).'7I'a., 8,a.1rpa.xlJip 'l"p6 T;'S ilC8iJtlE(A)S, A)').o aro E1CEillO TO o'lroioJl E8'lCa.W).Jyy'7t1E T~lI IIC80tlUI TOil, E1CTOS ickJl ~TO E).EiKJEpClS E1rL EJla. I'ij"a. Jla ICa.Ta.) .£7r71 T~JI XWPQ.JI, p.ETa T~JI E1C8LICa.ow if, b rEpL1rTWtlE' ICa.Ta.8£ - IC'7S, I'ETa T~JI ElCntl'JI TijS 1rOLvijS it T~JI ra.poX~JI XapLTOS. AP9PON 5. 'E,,(IC).'7I'a.TLa.s ~l.I"(cis 86 8UJla.Ta., Jla. ilCOO8ij 8WaI'E' TWJI c5,a. Ta.~E(A)JI T;'S 'l"a.povt1'7S l;1I"e.;,,,,,S, ~aJl >.O"YCf' 'l" - ,,(PfI.~S 4f 8,'ola.Jl8~rOTE 4).).'7J1 """"-

  1. .&OJI a.lTla.JI, lCa.Ta TOUS vO#.&Ovs dTE

Toii Els ~KOOtl'JI Ka.) .OUI'ElIOlI EtTE ToLi ilCt'7TOii"TOS KpaTOUS, 8La.fl'EU,,(EL T~JI 8LCAI~LJI ~ T~" 1rO'~JI T~JI 01rola.JI bLtlUPE' TO 1,,(1C).'7I'a. 8,a TO o1roiOJl t:'TEiTa.L ~ Idol1'LS. AP9PON 6. 'Eav 0 ~l.I"(as E"(,,X'7l'a.T£a.S OUTLJlOS r'7TEiTa., ~ EKOOtlLS tllIl'~WJlCAlS rpOs Tas 1r/>0'7"(OIl~Jla.S 8,a.Ta.~E'S 8,a.TE).Ei V1rO 81CAl~LJI 8~'I"(IC).'7l'a. ~ 1rX'7P.P.E)7P.a . TE).EriEJI b TV XWpq. iS1rOIl Ka.TE~II"(EJI, EtTE arO~II).a.ICLtll'iJlOS i1rL ~,,("YII*tlE' EvpLtlKETa., EtTE b TV ~IIXa."jj If EclJ1lCa.TE- 8LlCciri'7 ~8'7 8,a 'T~JI avCAlTipCAI a.tT£a. .. . q IKootlLS a.VToii 8VJla.Ta., Jla 4J1a. - /J).'78jj P.EXP' 1rEpa.TOf T;'S 8LE~a.'YO- p.El"7S 811C'7S Ka.L P.iXPLS (STOll Q;1ro).v8i1 TiiJJI ~IIXa."WJI tllIl'~WVCI1S T~ JlOIlCf'.