Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1002

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976 Vol.45,p . 1445. Requirements of ap- plicants Lands acquired sub- ject to liens, etc. [CHAPTER 555 .] AN ACT June 16, 1934 . [H .R .6 781 .1 To authorize appropriations to pay the annual share of the United States as [Public No. 371 .1

an a dhering member of the International Council of Scientific Unions and associated unions . International Coun- cil of Scientific Unions . Annual appropria- tions authorized for share . Sum for fiscal year, 1935. 73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 554-556 . JUN E 16, 1934 . States ent er ed Ap ril 9, 1928 (New Mexico against Texas, 276 U .S. 558), to the persons in actual and bona fide possession of and claim- ing title on April 9, 1928, under patent from the State of Texas to such lands, upon payment therefor by such persons to the United States at the rate of $1 .25 an acre. SEC . 2. In order to receive a patent under this Act, the persons entitled thereto, their heirs or assigns, shall within five years from the passage of thi s Act , submit a written application describing the land according to their claim of title, and the proof of the facts necessary under this Act to entitle the applicant to make entry shall be subm itted in accorda nce with such re gulation s as the Secreta ry of the I nteri or may pres cribe , incl uding post ing an d pub licat ion of notice as now prescribed under the homestead laws . SEC . 3. It is further provided that any land acquired by patent under this Act shall be subject to the same liens, other than liens for taxes and water and like quasi-public charges, that would have been against such land had it been in Texas . SEC . 4. As used in this Act the term " person " includes an indi- vidual, corporation, partnership, or association . Approved, J une 16, 1934 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unit ed States of Ame rica in Cong ress ass embl ed, That there is hereby authorized to be app ropriated, to be expended u nder the direction of the Secretary of State, in paying the annual share of the United States as an adhering member of the International Council of Scientific Unions and associated unions, including the International Astronomical Union, International Union of Chem- istry, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, International Union of Mathematics, International Scientific Radio Union, Inter- nation al Un ion o f Phys ics, and In terna tiona l Geo graphi cal U nion, and such other international scientific unions as the Secretary of State may designate, the sum of $9,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935 . Ap proved , Jun e 16, 1934 . [CHAPTER 556 .] AN ACT June 16, 1934. [H .R . 8639.1 To repeal certain laws providing for the protection of sea lions in Alaska waters . [Public, No. 372.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Sea lions in Alaskan United States o f America in Congress assembled, That all Acts a nd wat ers . Laws for protection parts of Acts making it unlawful to kill sea lions, as game animals of, repealed . Vol.35,p. 104.

or other wise, in the wat ers of t he Terri tory of A laska ar e repeal ed PJo v ise .

Provid ed, h oweve r, That sea lions shall not be killed in the waters Supervision over kill-


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of Alaska except under such rules and regulations as the Secretary Vol.41,p. 717 .

of Com merce may prescr ibe, in order to prev ent t he ext incti on of sea lions as a species of interesting sea life in the waters of Alaska . Approved, Ju ne 16, 1934.