Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1051

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 648. JUNE 19, 1934.

1025 cl ean-wa ter in take s creens and a uxilia ries, a nd hig h-tens ion sw itch- in g equi pment, and s o fort h, is hereby contin ued an d made avail able, to gether with an add itiona l amou nt of $25,000 for t he sam e purp oses, for the fiscal year 1935 . Senate Office Building : For an additional amount for maintenance, ingenate office Build- Sen ate th e same objec ts spe cified under this h ead in the L egisla - M ainten ance, etc . tive Branch Appropriation Act, 1935, to provide for installation, replace ment, and re condit ioning of el evators , $200 ,000, to be imme- diately available . For an additional amount for maintenance, including the same objects specified under this head in the Legislative Branch Appro- priation Act, 1935, $29,536, of which $25,000 shall be expended for additio nal pa inting .

House House Office Buildings : For an additional amount for mainte- ings nance, including the same objects specified under this head in the Volim 47, e p. 1361. Legisla tive B ranch Approp riatio n Act, 1935, to pro vide f or ins talla- tion, replacement, and reconditioning of elevators, $190,000, to be immediately available . House Office Buildings : For an additional amount for maintenance, includi ng the same object s spec ified under t his he ad in the Le gisla- tive Branch Appropriation Act, 1935, $2,950, to be immediately available . Library building and grounds : For an additional amount for grb Library building and neces sary expen ditu res f or th e Li brary Buil ding unde r the juri s- diction of the Architect of the Capitol, including the same objects specified under this head in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1935, to provide for installation, replacement, and recondition- Elevators. ing of elevators, $30,300, to be immediately available : Provid ed, Dansn w . Harding, That the Architect of the Capitol may continue the employment nd loymen t contin- under his jurisdiction of Damon W . Harding, until June 30, 1936, Vol.47,p. 404. notwithstanding any provision of the Act entitled "An Act for the p 'U 46. Supp . VII, retirement of employees in the classified civil service, and for other purposes ", approved May 22, 1920, and any amendment thereof, pro- hibitin g exte nsions of se rvice after the age of re tireme nt . GOVERNME NT PRINT ING Orr1 CE

Governmen t Print- ing Office. For payment to Samuel Robinson, William Madden, Preston L . gers Designated duty . se n- George, and William S . Houston, messengers on night duty during the second session of the Seventy-third Congress, $900 each ; in all, $3,600, to be paid from the appropriation for printing and binding for Congress for the fiscal year 1934 . A dditio nal . Ante, p. 827 . Painting. Office Build- Elevators. Additional . INDEPENDENT OFFICES Independent Offices . Avi ati on Comm is- sion. Salaries and penses . Ante, p. 933 . AVIATION COMMISSION For five commissioners and for all other authorized expenditures for carrying into effect section 20 of the Act entitled "An Act to revise air-mail laws, and to establish a commission to make a report to the Congress recommending an aviation policy ", approved June 12, 1934, to be available during the fiscal year 1935, $75,000 . CHICAGO WORLD'S FAIR CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION

Chicago World's Fair Centennial Celebra- tion. For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of the Act Participation, etc . V01. 47, pp . 39. 645, entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled `An Act providing for 703 . the participation of the United States in A Century of Progress (the Chicago World's Fair Centennial Celebration) to be held at Chicago, Illinois, in 1933, authorizing an appropriation therefor, and for other purposes', approved February 8, 1932, to provide for 86637'-34-65 ex-