Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1152

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73d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 672 . JUNE 19, 1934 . Domestic companies, post, p. 1142. Sec . 12. Defamation of companies. Sec . 13. Penalty for refusing to appear and testify in examinations . Sec . 14. Court proceedings. Sec. 15. False statements in application for insurance. Sec. 16 . General deposit. Sec . 17. Holding of general deposits by Auditor and Secretary to Board of Com missi oner s . See . 18 . Withdrawal of general deposits . Sec. 19. Examinations. See. 20. Receivership proceedings . Sec. 21 . When company to be deemed insolvent . Sec. 22. Reinsurance by Superintendent . Sec . 23 . Amortization . Sec. 24 . Attorney for service of process . Sec. 25. Political contributions prohibited . Sec. 26. General Agent's, Agent's and Solicitor's Qualifications and Licen ses. Sec. 27 . Suspension or revocation of license . Sec. 28 . Appeal from Rulings . Sec . 29. Brokers. Sec . 30. Embezzlement ; p enal ty. S ec . 3 1 . Contract of minor for life, healt h, and accide nt insurance . See . 32 . Assessment companies . See . 33. Appeal from Superintendent to Commissioners . CHAPIMt II I-D oME sr rc COM PA NIE S Sec . 1 . Articles of incorporation . Sec. 2 . Publication of articles of incorporation ; notice of intention to form company ; bond of incorporators . Sec . 3 . Approval of articles of incorporation ; completion of organiz ation of company . See. 4 . Authority to solicit subscriptions to capital of company in course of organization . Sec. 5 . Subscriptio n to capital stock ; limitation of expense on sale of capital stock. Sec. 6. Examination of company in course of organization . Sec . 7. When corporate powers of company in course of organization shall cease . Sec . 8. Capital stock requirements . Sec . 9. Amendment of articles of incorporation . See . 10. Increase of capital stock. Sec . 11. Decrease in capital stock . See . 12. Liability of stockholders . See . 13. Stock payment calls. See. 1 4 . Stock trans fers . See. 15. Capital stock book . See. 16 . Corporations and associations as members of mutual companies . See . 17. Mutual companies ; when to commence business. Sec . 18 . Reorganization of existing corporations . Sec . 19. Conversion of a stock life company into a mutual life company . S e e . 2 0 . Corporations heret ofore formed . See. 21 . Directors. See. 22. Bylaws . See . 23. Election of directors. See . 24. Cumulative voting . Sec .25. Voting power under policies of group life insurance . Sec . 26. Liability of directors . Sec . 27 . Salaries to be authorized by directors. See . 28. Limitation of dividends to stockholders and policyholders . Sec . 29. Officers,