Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1210

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1184 June 20, 1934 . [s .J.Res . 138.1 [Pub. Res., No.45.1 Cotto n co ntro l Act amended . Ante, p.607. Tax-exemptio n ce r- tificates; issue . Surplus cotton


ments . 'Method of computa- tion . 73d CON GRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 687, 688. JUNE 20, 21, 1934 . [CHAPTER 687 .1 JOINT RESOLUTION To amend an Act entitled "An Act to place the cotton industry on a sound com- mercial basis, to prevent unfair competition and practices in putting cotton into the channels of interstate and foreign commerce, to provide funds for paying additional benefits under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and for other purposes" (Public, Numbered 16 9, Sev enty- thir d Con gress ), a pprov ed April 21, 1934 . Resol ved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of Ameri ca in Congress assembled, That the Act entitled "An Act to place the cotton industry on a sound financial basis, to preve nt unfai r compet ition an d practi ces in p utting c otton into the c hannel s of inter state and f oreig n comm erce, to p rovide funds for paying additional benefits under the Agricultural Adjust- ment Act, and for other purposes " (Public, Numbered 169, Seventy- third Congress), approved April 21, 1934, is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section "SEC. 25 . (a) No tax-exemption certificates shall be issued to any person not engaged in production of cotton in the crop year during which such certificates are issued . "(b) Whenever after apportionment under sections 7 and 8 any surplus number of bales remain of the amount allotted to any county under section 5 (b) such surplus bales shall be allotted, in such quantiti es as th e Secret ary of A gricultu re determ ines, to such ot her counties within the State as the Secretary of Agriculture determines have an insufficient allotment . Said bales shall be apportioned, pur- suant to sections 7and8, within the respective counties to which allotted, but in no case shall any farm receive any of such allotment so as to recei ve a total allot ment in excess o f its estimated production for the crop year in which such allotment is made . "(c) In com putin g the produ ction of any State pursuant to sec- tion 5 (a) the total production of cotton for such State in the five- year period, 1928-1932, inclusive, shall be used regardless of the length of staple of such production ." Approved, J une 20, 1934 . [CHAPTER 688 .1 June 21 To authorize the acquisition by the United States of the land upon which the [5 .655 .] [Public, No. 439.1

Seneca Indian School, Wyandotte, Oklahoma, is located. Be it en act ed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Seneca Indian School, United States of America in Congress assembled, Tha t the Seere- Wyandotte, O kla . Acqui siti on of the tary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to acquire for land of, authorized . Indian school purposes, the east half southwest quarter, southeast quarter northwest quarter, east half northwest quarter and west half south west q uarte r sou theast quar ter s ection 21, towns hip 27 north, range 24 east, Indian meridian, Oklahoma . App rop ria ti on an-

SEC . 2. In order to carry out the provisions of section 1 hereof tbo riz ed n y there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $10,000, which said sum when so appropriated and placed in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Wyandotte do te ri e. t° Wyan- Trib e of Indian s, sh all o perate asa full, comp lete, and perfec t extingu ishment of all t heir rig ht, titl e, and i nterest in and t o the Disbursed by con- lands above described and which sum shall be subject to disburse- gressional aut bority . ment under congressional authority for the benefit of the Wyandotte Tribe . Approved, June 21, 1934 . AN ACT