Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1232

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 715. JUNE 22, 1934 . State of Delaware, for street purposes only, all the right, title, and inte rest of the Unit ed S tate s to the fol lowi ng-d escr ibed par cels of land which form a part of the new post-office site at Wilmington, D elaw are Tract 1 . Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly side of Market Street at sixty-five feet six inches wide and the northeasterly side of Eleventh Street at sixty-nine feet wide ; thence northeasterly along the said side of Market Street two hundred and sixty-five feet th ree in ches to the so uthwes terly s ide of Twelft h Stree t at ei ghty-f ive feet wide ; thence southeasterly along the said side of Twelfth Street ten feet six inches to a point ; thence southwesterly parallel to Market Street two hundred and sixty-five feet three inches to the first- mentioned northeasterly side of Eleventh Street ; thence thereby northwesterly ten feet six inches to the place of beginning, containing therein approximately two thousand seven hundred and eighty-two square feet . Tract 2 . Beginning at a point on the northeasterly side of Eleventh Street at sixty-nine feet wide distant ten feet six inches southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Market Street at sixty-five feet six inches wide ; thence southeasterly along the said side of Eleventh Street two hundred feet to the northwesterly side of King Street at sixty-five feet six inches wide ; thence northeasterly along the last- mentioned side of King Street eighteen feet to a point ; thence north- westerly parallel to Eleventh Street two hundred feet to a point dis- tant ten feet six inches southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Market Street at sixty-five feet six inches wide ; thence southwesterly pa rallel to Mar ket Str eet ei ghteen feet to the p lace of beginn ing, c on- taining therein approximately three thousand six hundred square feet, in consideration of the conveyance by The Mayor and Council of Wilmington, a municipal corporation of the State of Delaware, to the United States of a valid title in and to the following-described parcel of land as an addition to the aforesaid post-office site Beginning at intersection of the northwesterly side of King Street (at sixty-five feet six inches wide) and the southwesterly side of Twelfth Street (as the same is at present established at eighty-five feet in width) ; thence northwesterly along the last-mentioned side of Twelfth Street two hundred feet to a point distant ten feet six inches southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Market Street as the same is at present established at sixty-five feet six inches in width ; thence northeasterly parallel to Market Street thirty-two feet to a point ; thence southeasterly parallel to the first-mentioned side of Twelf th Street two hundred feet to the northw esterly side of King Street extended ; thence thereby southwesterly thirty-two feet to the place of beginning . Provided, however, That there shall be reserved to the United States an easement in perpetuity to construct and maintain a coal pit approximately twelve feet wide extending under the sidewalk in the eighteen-foot strip of land under Eleventh Street to be conveyed to The Mayor and Council of Wilmington, a municipal corporation of the State of Delaware, from a point approximately sixteen and one half feet southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Market Street in a southe asterl y direc tion a distan ce of a pproxim ately fifty f eet . Approved, June 22, 1934 . Description . Proviso . Easeme nt reserved or coal pit .