Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1251

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 756 . JUNE 26, 1934 . (3) Preparation and issue of Federal Reserve notes, reimbursable (2x151) . (4) Deben tures and othe r charges (cu stoms) . (5) Payment for lands sold for direct taxes (2x435) . (6) Refunding corporation- and income-tax penalties (Internal Reve nue) ( 2x425) . (7) Refun ding stamp tax on export bi lls of lading (2x427) . (8) Refunding stamp tax on foreign bills of exchange (2x433) . (9) Refunding tax on contingent beneficial interests (2x428) . (10) Refunding tax on certain legacies (2x426) . (11) Surplus proceeds, property sold for internal-revenue taxes (2x441) . (12) Payment of Cape Cod Canal bonds (2x087) . (13) Surveying within land grants (reimbursable) (4x164) . (14) Fees on certain Indian allotments (4x025) . (15) Dist ribution of Un ited States C ode, Revised Statutes, and so forth (4x019) . (16) Transportation of Volunteers, War with Spain (8x175) . (17) Powder and projectiles, proceeds of sales (8x423) . SEC . 2 . (a) Effective July 1, 1935, the permanent appropriations under the app ropria tion ti tles li sted i n subse ction ( b) of this se ction are repealed, and such portions of any Acts as make permanent appropria tions to be ex pended under such accounts are amended s o as to authorize, in lieu thereof, annual appropriations from the gene ral fund of the Trea sury in iden tica l te rms and in s uch amou nts as now provided by the laws providing such permanent appropria- tions, except that any appropriation for "Adjusted losses and con- tingencies, postal fund", is authorized to be made from the postal revenues . A ny uno bligat ed bal ances remai ning i n the perma nent app ropr iati ons unde r th ese acco unts on June 30, 193 5, s hall be cov- ered into the surplus fund of the Treasury

Provided, That in addi-

tion to amo unts i n lie u of t he per manent appr opriat ion "Meat Inspection, Bureau of Animal Industry (fiscal year)" there is author- ized to be appropriated such other sums as may be necessary in the enforcement of the meat inspection laws (U.S.C ., title 21, sees . 71 to 96, inclusive) . (b) (1) Interest on Indian trust funds . (2) Civilization of the Sioux (4x950) . (3) Meat inspection, Bureau of Animal Industry (fiscal year) (3-114) . (4) Nati onal For est Rese rvat ion Comm issi on ( fisc al y ear) (3-494) . (5) Pay of consular agents for services to American vessels and seame n (W61) . (6) Allowance or drawback (Internal Revenue) (2x438) . (7) Redemption of stamps (Internal Revenue) (2x432) . (8) Refunding legacy taxes, Act March 30, 1928 (2x430) . (9) Refund of excessive dut ies (Customs) (2x324) . (10) Debentures or drawbacks, bounties, or allowances (Customs) (2x321) (11) Allowance or drawback (Industrial A lcohol) (2x440) . (12) Permanent Internationa l Commission of Congresses of Navi- gation (fiscal year) (8-887) . (13) Operating and care of canals and other works of naviga- tion (8x 881) . (14) Removing sunken vessels or craft obstructing or endangering navigation (8x888) . (15) Removing obstructions in Mississippi, Atchafalaya, and Old Rivers (fiscal year (8-961 .58) . (16) Maintenance of channel, South Pass, Mississippi River (fiscal year) (8-961 .55) . 32 Stat. 406. 35 Stat. 590. 32 Stat. 406 . 32 Stat. 406. R.S , sec . 3195. 44 Stat. 1015;45 Stat . 91 4. U.S.C., title 43, secs. 88 6, 908 . 24 Stat . 389; 26 Stat . 795 . 32 Stat. 631; 36 Stat . 1154. 30 Stat. 1358. 21 Stat. 468. Specified appropria- tions repealed and an- nual appr opria tions au- thorized . To be exp ended in identical terms and amounts as now au- thorized. Adjusted los ses, etc ., postal fund, from postal revenues . 5. Proviso. Meat inspection. 1225 U .S.C ., title 12, sec. 42 2. R .S., sec. 3689. R .S., sec 3689. 38 Stat. 1225 . U .S.C ., title 21, secs. 71-96 . U.S.C ., title 25, sec. 161 . 25 Stat. 895 ; 29 Stat . 334 ; 34 Stat. 326 ; 45 Stat. 684. U.S.C ., title 21, sec. 95. U.S .C ., title 16, sec. 514 . U.S .C ., title 22 sec . 89;title46,sec.101. U.S .C., title 26, secs . 788, 852 . U.S .C ., title 31, secs. 711-4 . 30 Stat . 464; 45 Stat . 398 . 26 Stat . 140; 46 Stat . 739 . U.S.C., title 19, sec . 1557. U.S.C., title 26, sec . 377 . U.S.C., title 22, sec . 266 . U.S.C ., title 33, sec. U .S.C ., title 33, sec. 414 . 25 Stat . 424 ; 35 Stat. 817 . U.S.C., title 33, sec . 602 .