Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1299

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 865. JUNE 28, 1934 . payment to the owner of the surface for damages caused to the land and improvements thereon . Upon app lic atio n o f an y St ate to exchange lands within or without the boundary of a grazing district the Secretary of the Interi or is authori zed and direct ed, in the manner provided for the exchange of privately owned lands in this section, to proceed with such exchange at the earliest practicable date and to cooperate fully with the State to that end, but no State sh all be permit ted to select lieu l ands in anoth er Stat e . SEC . 9 . The Secretary of the Interior shall provide, by suitable rules and regulations, for cooperation with local associations of stockmen, State land officials, and official State agencies engaged in conservation or propagation of wild life interested in the use of the grazing districts . The Secretary of the Interior shall provide by appropriate rules and regulations for local hearings on appeals from the decisions of the administrative officer in charge in a manner similar to the procedure in the land department . The Secretary of the Inte rior sha ll a lso be e mpow ered to acce pt c ontr ibut ions tow ard the administra tion, protect ion, and impr ovement of the district, moneys so received to be covered into the Treasury as a special fund, which is hereby appropriated anti made available until expended, as the Secretary of the Interior may direct, for payment of expenses incident to said administration, protection, and improvement, and for refunds to depositors of amounts contributed by them in excess of their share of the cost. SEC . 10 . That, except as provided in sections 9 and 11 hereof, all moneys received under the authority of this Act shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts, but 25 per centum of all moneys received from each grazing district during any fiscal year is hereby made available, when appropriated by the Congress, for expenditure by the Secretary of the Interior for the construction, purchase, or maintenance of range improvements, and 50 per centum of the money received from each grazing district during any fiscal year shall be paid at the end thereof by the Secretary of the Treasury to the State in which said grazing district is situated, to be expended as the State legislature may prescribe for the benefit of the county or counties in which the grazing district is situated : Provided, That if any grazing district is in more than one State or county, the distributive share to each from the proceeds of said distri ct shal l be p roporti onal to its a rea the rein . SEC. 11 . That when appropriated by Congress, 25 per centum of all moneys received from each grazing district on Indian lands ceded to the United States for disposition under the public-land laws during any fiscal year is hereby made available for expenditure by the Secretary of the Interior for the construction, purchase, or mainte- nance of range improvements ; and an additional 25 per centum of the money rece ived from gra zing during e ach fiscal yea r shall be paid at the end thereof by the Secretary of the Treasury to the State in which said lands are situated, to be expended as the State legislature may prescribe for the benefit of public schools and public roads of the county or counties in which such grazing lands are situated . And the remaining 50 per centum of all money received from such grazing lands shall be deposited to the credit of the Indians pending final disposition under applicable laws, treaties, or agreements . The applicable public land laws as to said Indian ceded lands within a district cre ated under th is Act shall c ontinue in operation, exc ept that each and every ap plication for nonmineral title to said lands in a district created under this Act shall be allowed only if in the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior the land is of 1273 A pplic atio n by a State to exchange lands within or without a grazing district . Lands in another State excluded. R ules for coope ratin g with local stockmen associations to be pro- vided . L ocal hearings or vie ws provided for . A ccept ance of con- tributions for district improvements . Appropriation . Deposit of grazing re- ceipts; exceptions . Portion for range im- provements . Apportionment to St ate for bene fit of c ounti es h aving graz ing dis tricts. Proviso . If district in more than one county . I ndian lan ds c eded to United States . Use of grazing fees received from . Range improve- ments . Benefit of public schools and public roads. Continuance of pub- lic land laws.