Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1329

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.. XlI IXDEX. Banking Act of 1933-Continued. Page. Federal Reserve Act, amendments- Continued. Federal Reserve Board; readjustment of terms of members_ _ _ _ ______ 166 Term of successors; designation of Governor_ _______________ 167 Principal offices of; determination of internal management poli- cies_______________________ 167 Power of, to fix percentage of member bank capital and sur- plus represented by loans____ 167 Federal Open Market Commit~ee cre- ated___________________________ 168 Members; election of; meetings_ _ __ _ 168 Regulations gO\'erning open-market operations by Reserve banks _ _ _ 168 Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- tion; created____________________ 168 Liquidation of closed banks; insur- ance of deposits_______________ 168 Corporate management_ ___________ 168 Appropriation for subscription far corporate capital stock _ _ _ _____ 168 Payments for subscription; re- ceipts _____________________ 169 Stock certificates; classes; entitle- ment to dividend payments_ _ _ _ 169 Subscription of Reserve banks for class B stock required _________ . 169 Of member banks for class A _____ 169 Of banks applying for membership, or closed national banks_ _ __ _ 169 Of State banks and trust compa- nies, mutual savings banks ap- plying for membership after July 1, 1936________________ 170 Annual adjustment of outstanding stock______________________ 171 Cancellation of stock \"hen bank declared insolvenL__________ 171 Corporate rights, powers, etc ____ ___ 172 Administration of corporate affairs_ _ 172 Insurance of deposits of member banks_______________________ 172 Percentages of insurance_ _____ __ _ 173 Rights of Corporation against assets of closed banks _______________ 173 Organization of new national banks_ 173 Acceptance of deposits; invest- ments; maintenance of reserve with Reserve bank- _________ 173 Stock subscriptions; preemption rights_ _ _ __________________ 174 Issue of certificate to commence business _ _ _________________ 174 Voluntary liquidation; deposit in- surance accounL _ _ _________ 174 Banking Act of 1933-Continued. Page. Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- tion created-Continued. State member banks; appointment of receiver when closed___________ 174 Organization of new national bank 174 Deposit to cover insured deposit liabilities ___________________ 175 Management of Hew bank ______ __ 175 Organization of new bank when Corporation as receiver ulllaw- fulundcr State 1a\\"__________ 175 Levy on class A stockholders; credit of assessment to insurance fund_ 176 Dividends unless assessment paid, unlawfuL _____________ _____ 176 Terms construed __________________ 176 Exclusion of deposits payable in for- eign country, in determilling de- posit liabilities________________ 176 Rules and regulations to be pre- scribed by Corporation _ _ ______ 176 Powers of Corporation; deposit or investment of surplus funds_ __ _ 176 Loans to national banks _ _ ______ _ 176 Sale of assets of insolvent banks to Corporation__ ___ _ ____ _ ___ ____ 176 Corporate obligations, aggregate amount of outstanding; redemp- tion_________________________ 177 Nontaxable ____________________ 177 Note, debenture forms; issue; cus- tody of plates, dies, etc ________ 177 Annual report of Corporation _____ _ _ 177 Penalty provisions_ ________ ______ _ 177 Exclusive use of corporate name _ __ _ 178 Criminal Code, applieahility of _ _ _ __ 178 Secret Service Division, Treasury Department; detection, etc., of vio\ators_ ____________________ 178 Temporary Federal Deposit Fund; Corporation to open ___________ 179 Membership in Fund; State banks not members of Reserve 8)"S- tenl_______________________ 179 Rules and regulations respecting examinatiolls_ _________ _____ 179 Certified statement by Fund mem- bers ______________________ . 179 Payments to be made; aIrlounL _ _ 179 Additional assessment on Fund members authorized_ __ __ __ __ 179 Payment of insured deposit liabili- ties, closed members of Fund_ 179 Maximum amount of paymellL _ _ 179 Refunds __________ . ___ ___ _ . ____ 180 Subscription for class A stork re- quired, State bank member of Fund______________________ 180