Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1362

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INDEX. xlv Farm Credit Act of 1933-Continued. Page. Sums for salaries, administration ex- penses, etc _ __________________ 258 Loans to farmers, etc., crop produc- tion not restricted_ ____________ 259 Stock ownership of production credit corporations and associations_ __ 259 Investment of surplus _ _ _________ 259 Balance of excess earnings to be paid into revolving fund_ ____ 259 Production Credit Associations- Organization by farmers ___________ 2;;9 Articles of incorporation; specifica- tion of general objects_ _ _______ 260 Copy to Productioil Credit Cor- poration ________________ .. __ 260 Governor to prescribe rules; extent of authority _______ ___________ 260 Stock of Associations; classes; by whom may be acquired ________ 260 Class B, voting rights; transfer of; exchange for class A _______ . 260 Dividend payments; preferences; credit of, against indebted- ncss_______________________ 260 Approval and removal of directors, etc., while corporation holds Association stock _ _ _________ 260 Earnings of; application in excess of opcrating expenses_ ___________ 261 Dividend payments; investments from guaranty fund_________ 261 Loans to farmers and investments by Associations, terms, etc_____ ____ 261 Authority of, to borrow from Inter- mediate Credit Banks_ ________ 261 Central Bank for Cooperatives- Organization; board of directors __ 261,2fi2 Capital stock of bank; authority of Go':ernor respect ing __________ . . 262 Value of share; subscription to; payments from revolving fund _ 262 Lending powcr of Bank; loans to co- opcmtive associations______ ____ 263 Stock SUbscriptions, borrowers from central bank. __ _ . ____________ 263 Amount; cancellation upon repay- ment. ______________ _________ 263 Payments into guaranty fund when suhscription unauthorized un- d er State law _______________ 263 EarniJlp:s aJld reserves of Bank; ap- plication of, in excess of operat- ing expenses ___________ .. ___ ___ 203 Guaranty fund created; dividend payments_ _________________ 263 Dcbcntures of Bank; restriction on amount of outstanding_ _ _ _____ 263 Terms, etc., of issue; interest rate_ _ 263 Farm Credit Act of J933-Continued. Page. Central Bank for Cooperatives-Contd. Debentures of Bank-Continued. Security; provisions of law govern- ing issue; custodian of col- lateral_____________________ 264 Lending authority of central and regional banks for cooperativM; division oL__________________ 264 Banks for Cooperatives- Stock of; determination of amount; value of shares; payments for subscriptions to_ ________ ______ 264 Lending power of; loans to associa- tions________________________ 264 Stock SUbscriptions; earnings and reservcs______________________ 264 Retirement of stocL______________ 265 Agricultural Marketing Act, amend- ments. See Agricultural Market- ing Act, Amendments. Corporations created hereby, provisions common to-- Corporate powers; jurisdiction of district courts denied_ ________ 266 Examination of; designation of exam- iners; assessment for costs______ 267 Fiscal agentB of United States_ _____ 267 Exemption of obligations, prope!"ty, etc., from taxation_ ____ _______ 267 Termination of exemption, Pro- duction Credit Corporations__ 267 Unlawful ac~ and penalty provi- sions________________________ 267 Liquidation proceedings_ _ _ ________ 269 Salary limitat ions, officials of _______ 269 Federal Farm Loan Act, amendments. See Federal Farm Loan Act, Amendments. Miscellaneous- Farm Loan Commissioner to be known as Land Bank Commis- sioner_______________________ 273 Farm Credit Administration; com- missioners of; appointment; sal- ary; duties___________________ 273 AttMtation of signature of Land Bank Commissioner ____ _______ 273 Authority granted Governor hereby to be supplementary to existing authority ____________ . _______ 273 Reconstrnction I"inance Corporation, authority to reduce capital of Hegional Agricultural Credit Ad- mini,;tmtioIl___ __ ____ __ __ _____ 273 Funds to const.itute rc,·olving fund_ 273 Farm Credit Administration, seal of. 273 Emergency Agricultural R<>licf Act, appointment ()f State Adminis- trator_______________________ 273