Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1364

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INDEX. xlvii Federal-Aid Highway System-Contd. Page. Tolls to be applied to repayment of con- struction costs__________________ 204 Funds for work on, until September 1, 1934__________________________ 352 Federal Board for Vocational Education. See Interior Department. Federal Civil Works Administration. See Civil Works Administration. Federal Communications Commission. See Communications Act of 1934. Federal Coordinator of Transportation. See also Emergency Railroad Trans- portation Act, 1933. Office of, created; appointment_______ 211 Powers and duties oL _____________ 212-217 Federal Credit Union Act: Definitions_____________------------ Organization of unions; procedure ___ -- Organization certificate, approval of __ _ Fees; payment of; deposiL ___ - _- - - - -- Reports and examinations, require- ment_________________________ _ Corporate powers _______ - - - - _- __ - - -- By-laws preparation of form _______ - -- Membership; meetings __________ - _- -- Management of unions _____________ _ Officers;election_______-----_------- Directors; meetings, records, powen" etc __________________________ - Credit committee; consideration of ap- plications for 10ans _____________ _ Supervisory committee; duties ___ - - - __ Reserves, maintenance of ___________ _ I Dividends;payment of__ -_--_-_----- ExpUlsion and withdrawaL _______ - __ Minors, issue of shares to _________ - __ Governor, powers oL _______________ _ Fiscal agents and depositories, union may act as ____________________ _ Taxation __________________________ _ Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. See also Banking Act of 1933; Fed- eral Reserve Act. Deficiency appropriation for payment for capital stock oL ____________ _ Fedelj&l Emergency Administrator of Pub- Ii~ Works. See also Public Works. Access to files, etc., of Reconstruction Finance Corporation, by ________ _ Functions of ______________________ _ Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933: Appropriation for effectillg purposes of_ Appropriation authorized for purposes of; a\'ailahle until June 30, 1935 __ _ Limitation on allocations __________ _ Cooperation of Federal Government with the several States, etc., to relieve distress _________________ _ 1216 1217 1217 1217 1218 1218 1219 1219 1219 1219 1220 1220 1220 1221 1221 1221 1221 1221 1222 1222 279 210 200 1055 351 352 55 Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933- Page. Continued. Federal Emergency Relief Adminis- trator, funds available to_ _____ ____ 55 Reconstruction Finance Corporation loan; aggregate amount_ _________ 55 Increase in amount of outstanding ob- ligations authorized _ _ _ __________ 56 Additional, not to issue unless Presi- dent shall approve_______ ________ 56 Administrator to have access to Cor- poration files, etc ________________ 56 Federal Emergency Relief Adminis- tration;creation________________ 56 Administrator; appointment; salary; termination of authority ______ ___ 56 Disposition of unexpended balances_ __ 56 Administration of Act. ___ __ ________ _ 56 Investigations by Administrator on re- questofPresident_______________ 56

Monthly reports to Congress; printing

as public documents_ ____________ 57 States, advances to, for relief of hard- ship___________________________ 57 Amount available; proportioned on State expenditures; payments to be made quarterly______________ 57 Disposition of balances _ _____________ 57 Finality of Administrator's decisions_ __ 57 Applications; information to contain___ 57 Certification of approved grant to Re- construction Finance Corporation_ 58 Monthly report of State Governor _____ 58 "State," construed_________________ 58 Short title of AcL ___________________ 58 Grants to State public agency, author- ity of administrator to make_ ____ _ 351 Reconstruction Finance Corporation funds for purposes oL ___________ 1056 Federal Employees. See Economy in Government.. Federal Employment Stabilization Board. appropriation for__________________ 547 Federal Farm Board. See also Farm Credit Administration. Appropriation fOL __________________ 289 A vailable to Farm Credit Adminis- tration if Executive order creat- ing, becomes effedive__________ 289 Salaries, members of Board, not in- cluded ____________' _ _____ _____ 289 Appointments without regard to Classi- fication Act of 1923 and civil scrv- ice laws________________________ 290 Cotton held by, to be sold to Secretary of Agriculture________ ___________ 32 Cotton 011 which money has been loaned, etc., full title to be ac- quired by, for___________________ 32