Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1383

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lxvi INDEX. Insects, appropriation for investigating Page. injurious__ __ _____________________ 487 Inspector General. See War Depart- ment. Insular Atrairs. See War Department. Insular Possessions: Compensation of officers and employees of, reduced_____________________ 307 Exception, compensation not dimin- ishable under Constitution_ _____ 307 Insurance. See Life Insurance Act, Dis- trict of Columbia. Insurance Companies: Loans to, by Reconstruction Finance Corporation, authorized___ 119, 141, 1111 Security rcquired_________________ 119 Sale by Corporation of insurance company preferred stock _ _ _____ 119 Increase in outstanding obligations of Corporation authorized ______ 120 Purchase of capital notes by Corpora- tion in lieu of preferred stock __ ____ 120 Conditions of purchase or loans by Cor- poration_ ____ ________ ____ ______ 120 Loan renewals; when may deny _____ ___ 120 Emergency Relief and Construction Act, amendments. See Emergency Relief and Construction Act. Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, amendments. See Recon- struction Fina.nce Corporation Act. "Insurance company" construed_ _____ 121 Tax on. See Income Tax. Insurance Corporations, D.C. See Life Insurance Act, District of Columbia. Insurance of Savings and Loan Accounts. See National Housing Act. "Insured Deposit Liability," construed in Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- tion Act__ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ 173 Insured Mail. See Postal Ser,'ice. Inter-American Highway: Appropriation for survey, etc_ _ _ _ _____ 1042 Sum allocated for reconnaissance sur- vey ___ --______________________ 996 Interior Department: Appropriation for- Columbia Institution for the Deaf _ _ _ 394 Education, Office of _ _ _ ____________ 389 Federal Board for Voca.tional Education______ _____ ___ ____ 389 Printing "nd binding_ ____________ 364 Fine Arts, Commission of _______ ____ 364 Freedmen's Hospital____________ ___ 395 General Land Office_______________ 364 Geological Survey_________________ 382 Mineral mining acts enforcement_ _ 384 Printing and t ·nding____________ 383 Surveys,etc____________________ 382 Interior Department-Continued. Palre. Appropriation for-Continued. Georp:e Rogers Clark Sesquicenten- nial Commission_ ___________ __ 364 Government, in the Territories_ ______ 391 Alaska_________________________ 391 HawaiL __________________ . ____ 392 Virgin Islands_ _ ________________ 392 Howard University ________ . ___ ___ 394 Indian Affairs, Bureau vL _ _ _______ 366 Annuities and per capita pay- ments __________________ .__ 378 EducatiOIL __________________ . . _ 371 General support and administra- tion_______________________ 376 Health conservation_ __ __________ 374 Indian lands_ ___________________ 367 Industrial assistance and advance- menL _____________________ 367 Irrigation and drainage_ _ _ _______ 369 Reservation roads, improvemenL _ 1058 Roads and bridges_ ______________ 378 Watcrsupply devclopment_ ______ 369 Mount Rushmore N atiollal Mcmorial Commission__ _ ______ _________ 364 National Parks, Buildings, and Reser- vations, Office of _ _____________ 385 Forest protection; fire prevention, etc________________________ 388 Monuments, maintenance, ctc_ _ _ _ 387 Printing and binding __________ ___ 364 Public buildings,maintenancc, etc_ 388 Roads, trails, and bridges_ ________ 1058 Reclamation, Burc"'! ~~ 379 Invcstil!;atiollf.; information to scttlers _________________ . __ 381 Irrigation prJjcctl", examination, operatien, ctc______________ 380 Saint Elizabeths HospitaL _ _ _ ______ 393 Secretary, Office of _ _ ______________ 362 COIltingentexpenses_ __ __________ 363 Investigations, Division of _____ ___ 362 Printing and binding _____________ 363 Solicitor,OfficeoL___ ___________ 362 Deficiency appropriation for- AucHtcdclaims ________ 102,282,1048,1052 Damage c1aims _______________ - - __ 1045 Education, Office of _________ ______ 1034 Federal Board for Vocational Edu- cation ____________________ _ General Land Office _______________ _ Blackwell, Marion F., paymcnt to_ Government in the Territories _____ _ Alaska, care etc., of insane ______ _ 1034 277 277 1034 1034 Howard University, general ex- penses_______________________ 1034 Indian Affairs, Bureau oL _ __ 98, 277, 1033 Alaska, medical relief in _ _ _______ 1033 Creek Nation, payment of judg- ment_ ___ __ __ ____ ___ _______ 1033